A simple utility to capture video codes from Knowledge Network show URLs into makefile snippets that can used, with youtube-dl, to download the available videos.
Download from github.com/jamesd/knget and build:
$ lein uberjar
Simply run the standalone jar file and provide Knowledge Network URL(s) with videos you want to capture in makefile snippets (see Examples).
$ java -jar knget-0.2.2-standalone.jar [url...]
Creating a shell wrapper in your PATH to hide the java invocation details I find easier:
$ cat ~/bin/knget
exec java -jar /path/to/jar/knget-0.2.2-standalone.jar "$@"
There is only one optional parameter for mapping show names so you can provide a clojure map to get the show name you desire from the show name specified by Knowledge Network (see Examples for usage). Otherwise, only a list of URLs to examine is required.
The use case for knget
is to create a poor man's PVR of available
episodes from Knowledge Network shows.
For each episode found in the specified URL, a makefile will be created
such that it can be included in a parent Makefile
URLS := "https://www.knowledge.ca/program/museum-diaries"
_all: update
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory all
knget $(URLS)
-include *.mak
Then just run make to cause youtube-dl
to fetch the available
$ make
knget "https://www.knowledge.ca/program/museum-diaries"
youtube-dl -f 6 -o "Fakes_and_Frauds_Exposed_ep01.mp4" "https://content.jwplatform.com/feeds/xtof6VUs.json"
[JWPlatform] xtof6VUs: Downloading JSON metadata
[JWPlatform] xtof6VUs: Downloading m3u8 information
[download] Destination: Fakes_and_Frauds_Exposed_ep01.mp4
[download] 100% of 731.03MiB in 03:15
The makefile snippet created for the above episode is:
all:: Fakes_and_Frauds_Exposed_ep01.mp4
youtube-dl -f 6 -o "$@" "https://content.jwplatform.com/feeds/xtof6VUs.json"
A re-run of make (e.g, via cron
) will create new makefile snippets for
episodes that were not previously available and only the new episodes
will be downloaded.
If the episode list does not match up with The TV DB, you can specify an episode rename map:
# https://www.thetvdb.com/?tab=seasonall&id=250675&lid=7
URLS := "https://www.knowledge.ca/program/waterfront-cities-world?season=1" \
"https://www.knowledge.ca/program/waterfront-cities-world?season=2" \
"https://www.knowledge.ca/program/waterfront-cities-world?season=3" \
"https://www.knowledge.ca/program/waterfront-cities-world?season=4" \
MAP := '{ \
"Helsinki_s01e01.mp4" "Helsinki_s01e05.mp4" \
"Havana_s01e03.mp4" "Havana_s01e09.mp4" \
"Lisbon_s01e04.mp4" "Lisbon_s01e13.mp4" \
"Tel_Aviv_s01e05.mp4" "Tel_Aviv_s01e03.mp4" \
"Bangkok_s01e06.mp4" "Bangkok_s01e04.mp4" \
"Buenos_Aires_s01e07.mp4" "Buenos_Aires_s01e12.mp4" \
"Melbourne_s01e08.mp4" "Melbourne_s01e06.mp4" \
"Houston_s01e09.mp4" "Houston_s01e07.mp4" \
"Reykjavik_s01e10.mp4" "Reykjavik_s01e08.mp4" \
"San_Francisco_s01e11.mp4" "San_Francisco_s01e01.mp4" \
"Marseille_s01e12.mp4" "Marseille_s01e11.mp4" \
"Moscow_s01e13.mp4" "Moscow_s01e10.mp4" \
"Singapore_s02e01.mp4" "Singapore_s02e02.mp4" \
"Venice_s02e02.mp4" "Venice_s02e01.mp4" \
"Panama_City_s02e03.mp4" "Panama_City_s02e11.mp4" \
"Boston_s02e04.mp4" "Boston_s02e09.mp4" \
"Tokyo_s02e05.mp4" "Tokyo_s02e13.mp4" \
"Valencia_s02e08.mp4" "Valencia_s02e04.mp4" \
"Saint_Petersburg_s02e09.mp4" "Saint_Petersburg_s02e08.mp4" \
"Istanbul_s02e10.mp4" "Istanbul_s02e03.mp4" \
"Salvador_de_Bahia_s02e11.mp4" "Salvador_de_Bahia_s02e10.mp4" \
"Vancouver_s02e13.mp4" "Vancouver_s02e05.mp4" \
"Honolulu_s03e02.mp4" "Honolulu_s03e12.mp4" \
"Doha_s03e03.mp4" "Doha_s03e10.mp4" \
"Naples_s03e04.mp4" "Naples_s03e05.mp4" \
"Miami_s03e05.mp4" "Miami_s03e08.mp4" \
"Lima_s03e06.mp4" "Lima_s03e11.mp4" \
"Ho_Chi_Minh_City_s03e07.mp4" "Ho_Chi_Minh_City_s03e13.mp4" \
"Hamburg_s03e08.mp4" "Hamburg_s03e03.mp4" \
"Riga_s03e10.mp4" "Riga_s03e07.mp4" \
"London_s03e11.mp4" "London_s03e04.mp4" \
"Barcelona_s03e12.mp4" "Barcelona_s03e06.mp4" \
"New_York_City_s03e13.mp4" "New_York_City_s03e02.mp4" \
"Oslo_s04e04.mp4" "Oslo_s04e05.mp4" \
"Dublin_s04e05.mp4" "Dublin_s04e04.mp4" \
"Seoul_s04e06.mp4" "Seoul_s04e08.mp4" \
"Los_Angeles_s04e07.mp4" "Los_Angeles_s04e12.mp4" \
"Auckland_s04e08.mp4" "Auckland_s04e11.mp4" \
"Cartegena_s04e09.mp4" "Cartegena_s04e07.mp4" \
"Rio_de_Janeiro_s04e10.mp4" "Rio_de_Janeiro_s04e13.mp4" \
"Mumbai_s04e11.mp4" "Mumbai_s04e09.mp4" \
"Shanghai_Part_1_s04e12.mp4" "Shanghai_1_International_City_s04e06.mp4" \
"Shanghai_Part_2_s04e13.mp4" "Shanghai_2_City_of_Opportunities_s04e10.mp4" \
_all: update
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory all
knget -m $(MAP) $(URLS)
-include *.mak
Copyright © 2017 James Davidson
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.