A small interpreted language, using ANTLR 4. It supports most basic operators and decision and control structures, has variable scoping, and functions. Variables can have the types integer, float, string, boolean and for functions, these types as well as void.
Mu has string interpolation with the dollar sign prepended to a string, for
example println($"Variable is #{varName}");
To run the demo script:
a: integer = 9
println($"Global scope a = #{a}")
func myfunction(i: integer, j: integer): void
println("This is a function")
a: integer = 10
b: integer = 50
c: integer = 0
c = a + b + i * 2 + j * 3
println($"The #{a} + #{b} + #{i} * 2 + #{j} * 3 = #{c}")
println($"Global scope a = #{a}")
foo: string = "foobarbazqux"
bar: integer = 1
baz: boolean = true
println($"a = #{a} foo = #{foo} bar = #{bar} baz = #{baz}")
myfunction(1000, 50000)
j: integer = 0
for j = 1 to 10
println($"Hello, World j = #{j}")
b: integer = 0
while b < 5
b = b + 1
println($"The value of b is #{b}")
func f(a: integer, b: integer): integer
println("In function f")
return a + b
rc: integer = f(10, 20)
println($"Sum from f() = #{rc}")
rc = f(100, 1000)
println($"Sum from f() = #{rc}")
if "[email protected]" =~ "[a-z0-9]+@[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]{2,}" then
println("The regex matches")
println("I expected it to match but it did not")
end if
git clone git://github.com/bkiers/Mu.git
mvn clean install
mvn -q exec:java
which will print the following to your console:
parsing: src/main/mu/test.mu
Global scope a = 9
Global scope a = 9
a = 9 foo = foobarbazqux bar = 1 baz = true
This is a function
The 10 + 50 + 1000 * 2 + 50000 * 3 = 152060
Hello, World j = 1
Hello, World j = 2
Hello, World j = 3
Hello, World j = 4
Hello, World j = 5
Hello, World j = 6
Hello, World j = 7
Hello, World j = 8
Hello, World j = 9
Hello, World j = 10
The value of b is 1
The value of b is 2
The value of b is 3
The value of b is 4
The value of b is 5
In function f
Sum from f() = 30
In function f
Sum from f() = 1100
The regex matches
Also see this stackoverflow Q&A.