qubi [-e] [-r=n] [-q=n] [-f] [-c] [-x=n] [-i=n] [-g] [-t=n] [-w=n] [-v=n] [infile]
qubi -p [-r=n] [-q=n] [-f] [-c] [-x=n] [-k] [-v=n] [infile]
qubi -h
Input: QBF problem in QCIR format (from file or stdin)
Output: solving: [TRUE | FALSE] : the solution of the QBF + (counter)example or: printing: preprocessed QBF in QCIR format
-e, -example: solve and show witness for outermost quantifiers
-p, -print: print the (transformed) qbf to stdout
-k, -keep: keep the original gate/var-names (or else: renumber)
-f, -flatten: flattening transformation on and/or subcircuits
-c, -cleanup: remove unused variable and gate names
-q, -quant=<n>: quantifier block transformation: 0=keep (*), 1=split, 2=combine
-x, -prefix=<n>: move prefix into circuit: 0=prenex (*), 1=ontop, 2=miniscope
-r, -reorder=<n>: variable reordering: 0=none, 1=dfs (*), 2=matrix
-i, -iterate=<n>: evaluate and/or: 0=left-to-right, 1=pairwise (*)
-g, -gc: switch on garbage collection (experimental)
-t, -table=<n>: BDD: set max table size to 2^n, n in [15..42], 29=(*)
-w, -workers=<n>: BDD: use n threads, n in [0..64], 0=#cores, 4=(*)
-v, -verbose=<n>: verbose level (0=quiet, 1=normal (*), 2=verbose, 3=debug)
-s, -stats: turn statistics on (leads to slow-down)
-h, -help: this usage message
(*) = default values
Solving (with example generation, and verbose)
./qubi -e -v=2 Test/qbf3.qcir
Preprocessing (print after combining quantifier blocks, keeping original names)
./qubi -p -q=2 -k Test/qbf3.qcir
- currently only supports and/or gates
- currently only supports prenex format
- currently only accepts closed QBF (no free variables)
- Note: Qubi is slightly more liberal than QCIR
g++ *.cpp -o qubi -lsylvan -lpthread -llace
Sylvan -- Multi-core BDD package
- install from
- make sure that sylvan.h and sylvan.a can be found by g++ (using -I"path to sylvan.h" -L"path to libsylvan.a")
Jaco van de Pol
Christmas 2022