This is a port of the DOOM video game for VT terminals supporting the Sixel graphics protocol. It's mostly playable with standard VT input, but ideally requires a terminal supporting the win32 input mode used by Windows Terminal.
It was developed with the help of the excellent PureDOOM single header port.
The latest binaries can be found on GitHub at the following url:
For Linux download vtdoom
, and for Windows download vtdoom.exe
You'll also need a copy of the doom1.wad
data file from here:
If you want to build this yourself, you'll need CMake version 3.15 or later and a C++ compiler supporting C++20 or later.
Download or clone the source:
git clone
Change into the build directory:
cd vtdoom/build
Generate the build project:
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
Start the build:
cmake --build . --config Release
This project was inspired by XtermDOOM.
The VT DOOM source code and binaries are released under the GPL-2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for full license details.