Cilium OpenseaRch GitHub Ingester is a connector for ingesting Cilium CI data into OpenSearch.
Use the workflow runs
sub-command to download workflow runs for the target repository.
A bulk request is printed on stdout that can be given to OpenSearch for indexing.
Each document contains the following:
- Information regarding the workflow run.
- Jobs contained in the workflow
- Steps contained in the workflow
- Tests contained in the workflow, if a
artifact is present.
This outputted bulk request may be too large to send to OpenSearch in onen go, therefore one can leverage the split
command to break the request up into smaller chunks.
Example usage:
docker-compose up -d
go run . workflow runs > out.json
split -l 250 out.json split
find . -name "split*" -exec \
curl -XPUT --data-binary @{} --insecure -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u \
admin:$OPENSEARCH_INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD https://localhost:9200/_bulk --verbose \;