Tool for converting HTML to Markdown, like html2markdown.
online converter:
$npm install h2m
h2m(html[, options])
var h2m = require('h2m')
var md = h2m('<h1>Hello World</h1>')
// md = '# Hello World'
: the converter you can choose. now supportCommonMark
(default) andMarkdownExtra
: custom converter behavior:
h2m('<a href="">h2m</a>', {
overides: {
a: function(node) {
node is an object as the a tag:
name: "a",
attrs: {
href: ''
md: 'h2m'
return `[This is an link element](${node.attrs.href})`
// output [This is an link element](
$ npm install h2m -g
$h2m -h
Usage: h2m [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --file <file> HTML file path or an url adress (default: )
-c, --clipboard read HTML from clipboard
-h, --help output usage information
Convert a local file:
$ h2m -f index.html
converting HTML to Markdown
made by [@island205](
Can't be convert? welcome to submit an [issue](
Convert an online url:
$ h2m -f
Convert from clipboard:
$ h2m -c
Save result:
$ h2m -f >
supports standard Markdown sytax: CommonMark now and Markdown Extra.
- ✅ br
- ✅ em
- ✅ strong
- ✅ code
- ✅ a
- ✅ img
- ✅ hr
- ✅ ul, ol
- ✅ pre
- ✅ div
- ✅ p
- ✅ blockquote
- ✅ h1 ~ h6
- ✅ Special Attributes for headers link and image
- ✅ Fenced Code Blocks
- ✅ dl, dt, dd Definition Lists
- ✅ abbr Abbreviations
- ✅ table (tks @天凉's PR')
PRs are welcome to implement other extend Markdown language, like Markdown Extra, GFM and so on.