generate HTML forms dynamically and super easy using Golang/Go.
In development V2.0
is a super simple form generator, create dynamic forms without having to write HTML.
Templates included:
- bootstrap5
- html
By default goform
render forms in Bootstrap 5
style, also its posible to choose html
format, where the inputs are render in plain html (no divs, no labels, ...)
If anyone need a custom template or custom items, goform
has the option to choose custom template.
- Parse HTML in textlabel element
- Remove Elements Functions
- Enable Set/Group of elements
package main
var res = make(map[string]interface{})
var tmpl = template.Must(template.ParseGlob("tmpl/*"))
func main () {
nInputs := 8
// CitiesList slice of cities
var CitiesList = []OptionItem{{Key: "", Value: "Choose your favorite city"}, {Key: "AMS", Value: "Amsterdam"}, {Key: "VEN", Value: "Venice"}, {Key: "KYO", Value: "Kyoto"}, {Key: "PAR", Value: "Paris"}, {Key: "DOH", Value: "Doha"}, {Key: "BAR", Value: "Barcelona"}, {Key: "SMA", Value: "San Miguel de Allende"}, {Key: "BUD", Value: "Budapest"}, {Key: "LIS", Value: "Lisbon"}, {Key: "FLO", Value: "Florence"}, {Key: "HNK", Value: "Hong Kong"}, {Key: "BRU", Value: "Bruges"}}
// AgeRanges slice of ranges of ages
var AgeRanges = []OptionItem{{Key: "1", Value: "1 - 9 yo"}, {Key: "2", Value: "10 - 19 yo"}, {Key: "3", Value: "20 - 29 yo"}, {Key: "4", Value: "30 - 39 yo"}, {Key: "5", Value: "40 - 49 yo"}, {Key: "6", Value: ">= 50 yo"}}
form := Create("profile_form", "POST", "/goform")
// Label input
form.NewElement("label", "userdetails", "User profile")
// Text input
form.NewElement("text", "text", "")
form.SetLabel("text", "What's your name")
// Textlabel input
form.NewElement("textlabel", "username", "[email protected]")
form.SetLabel("username", "Your username:")
// Password input
form.NewElement("password", "password", "")
// Select input
form.NewElement("select", "select", "VEN")
form.SetOptions("select", CitiesList)
// Radio input
form.NewElement("radio", "radio", "")
form.SetLabel("radio", "Age range")
form.SetOptions("radio", AgeRanges)
// Textarea
form.NewElement("textarea", "textarea", "")
form.SetHelpText("textarea", "Error, must write a resume description")
// Checkbox
form.NewElement("checkbox", "checkbox", "")
// File input
form.NewElement("file", "file", "")
// Hidden
form.NewElement("hidden", "hidden", "")
// Full address init
form.NewElement("label", "address_info", "Full address")
form.AddGroupClass("address_info", "col-md-2")
form.AddGroupClass("address_info", "mb-2")
form.NewElement("text", "street", "")
form.SetPlaceHolder("street", "Street")
form.AddParams("street", "maxlength", "20")
form.AddGroupClass("street", "col-md-4")
form.AddGroupClass("street", "mb-2")
form.NewElement("text", "number", "")
form.SetPlaceHolder("number", "Number")
form.AddParams("number", "maxlength", "20")
form.AddGroupClass("number", "col-md-2")
form.AddGroupClass("number", "mb-2")
form.NewElement("select", "city", "VEN")
form.SetOptions("city", CitiesList)
form.AddGroupClass("city", "col-md-4")
form.AddGroupClass("city", "mb-2")
// Full address end
// Dyanmic inputs
for i := 1; i <= nInputs; i++ {
form.NewElement("text", "skill_"+strconv.Itoa(i), "")
form.SetPlaceHolder("skill_"+strconv.Itoa(i), "Skill "+strconv.Itoa(i))
form.AddGroupClass("skill_"+strconv.Itoa(i), "col-md-6")
form.AddGroupClass("skill_"+strconv.Itoa(i), "mb-2")
// Buttons
form.NewElement("submit", "submit", "Update profile")
form.AddClass("submit", "btn-success")
form.AddClass("submit", "btn-lg")
form.AddClass("submit", "btn-xl")
form.AddClass("submit", "btn-block")
form.AddClass("submit", "w-100")
form.NewElement("button", "button", "Cancel edit profile")
form.AddClass("button", "btn-secondary")
form.AddClass("button", "btn-lg")
form.AddClass("button", "btn-xl")
// Send to template
res["Form"] = form
tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "HTMLTemplate", res)
In your HTML template place
{{ .Form.Render }}
go get github.com/irob/goform
/templates/custom_templates is a templete based on Bootstrap5.
Step 1.-
Move/Copy the folder /templates into your application, rename/copy the subdirectory /custom_templates.
Step 2.-
Customize the .html files of the elements you want with your own HTML format.
Step 3.-
Change the form style template name to you new template form.SetOwnStyleTemplate(YOUR_CUSTOM_THEME_NAME).
The source files are distributed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0, unless otherwise noted. Please read the FAQ if you have further questions regarding the license.