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IPNI Reverse Index


xedni is an IPNI index store wrapper designed to deterministically sample multihashes advertised by a provider using context ID.


go get


Xedni wraps with any existing implementation of IPNI index backing store, Indexer.Interface, and exposes one additional interface that can sample multihashes from a provider using a context ID.

A random beacon may be optionally specified to deterministically sample the multihashes from the provider along with a maximum sample size.

In addition to the core sampling logic implementation, the package also provides a simple HTTP API to expose the sampling capability documented here.

The example below illustrates how Xedni can be used to wrap an existing indexer store implementation and expose the sampling API:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// The delegate indexer store backend may be any one of the stores currently supported by go-indexer-core.
	// See:
	var delegate indexer.Interface
	rx, err := xedni.New(
		xedni.WithStorePath(".store"), xedni.WithDelegateIndexer(delegate))
	if err != nil {
	// Start the indexer engine as usual, _but_ with the warapped xedni store.
	eng := engine.New(rx.Store())
	// pass engine to storetheindex ingester or any other ingestion implementation...
	// Start Xedni to expose samling HTTP API.
	if err:= rx.Start(context.Background); err != nil {

You can then use the HTTP API to sample multihashes from the provider using a context ID:

$ curl http://localhost:40080/ipni/v0/sample/<provider-id>/<context-id>?max=3&beacon=5865646e690a

Example response:

    "samples": [

See options for further configurable fields.


SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT