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Configure local development environments for Azure apps with one command


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πŸ πŸƒ Home Run

Configure local development environments for Azure apps with one command

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Setting up a local development environment, so that you can develop and test your Azure apps locally can be a pain. home-run is a CLI tool that makes it easy to configure your local development environment for Azure apps with one command.


You can use home-run by installing it as a devDependency like so:

npm install @investec/home-run --save-dev # npm
pnpm add @investec/home-run --save-dev    # pnpm
yarn add @investec/home-run --dev         # yarn
bun add @investec/home-run --dev          # bun

Or use it directly with npx.


To execute home-run you will need to be logged into the Azure CLI with az login.

home-run has two modes of operation:

  1. explicit - specify Azure resources explicitly
  2. resourcegroup - use Azure tags to determine resources

explicit - specify Azure resources explicitly

In this mode you specify the Azure subscription, Resource Group, type of Azure resource, the name of your Azure resource, and the location of the app on your local machine.

Container App Example

npx @investec/home-run
--mode explicit
--subscriptionName our-subscription
--resourceGroupName rg-our-resource-group
--type containerapp
--name ca-ourapp-dev
--keyVaultName kv-ourapp-dev # optional
--appLocation ./src/OurContainerApp

Given the above command, home-run will look for a Resource Group called rg-our-resource-group and try to find a containerapp inside with the name ca-ourapp-dev and a Key Vault with the kv-ourapp-dev. If it finds a match, it will create an ./src/OurContainerApp/appsettings.Development.json for that app using the environment variables of the Container App and the values in the Key Vault.

Function App Example

npx @investec/home-run
--mode explicit
--subscriptionName our-subscription
--resourceGroupName rg-our-resource-group
--type functionapp
--name func-ourapp-dev
--appLocation ../OurFunctionApp

Given the above command, home-run will look for a Resource Group called rg-our-resource-group and try to find a functionapp inside with the name func-ourapp-dev. If it finds a match, it will create an ../OurFunctionApp/local.settings.json for that app.

Integrating with package.json

It's possible to integrate home-run into a package.json script like so:

"scripts": {
    "home-run": "home-run --mode explicit --subscriptionName our-subscription --resourceGroupName rg-our-resource-group --type containerapp --name ca-ourapp-dev --keyVaultName kv-ourapp-dev --appLocation ./src/OurContainerApp"

Or with npx:

"scripts": {
    "home-run": "npx @investec/home-run --mode explicit --subscriptionName our-subscription --resourceGroupName rg-our-resource-group --type containerapp --name ca-ourapp-dev --appLocation ./src/OurContainerApp"

Running npm run home-run will configure the local development environment. If you are already logged into the Azure CLI, home-run will use the existing session. If not, you will be prompted to log in with az login. If you choose, you could also add az login to the start of the script.

resourcegroup - use Azure tags to determine resources / multiple versions of an app per Resource Group with git branch tags

This mode is useful when you have multiple versions of an app per Resource Group for different branches that exist, and you want to use git branch tags to determine the Azure resources to use. This is an alternative to specifying the Azure resources explicitly. It will look for the type of resource you are interested in (e.g. containerapp) and will look for a Branch tag on the resource (e.g. main) which matches the current git branch name.

Container App Example

npx @investec/home-run
--mode resourcegroup
--subscriptionName our-subscription
--resourceGroupName rg-our-resource-group
--type containerapp
--appLocation ./src/OurContainerApp

Given the above command, home-run will look for a Resource Group called rg-our-resource-group and will look for a containerapp inside with a Branch tag that matches the current git branch name, e.g. main. If home-run finds a match, it will create an appsettings.Development.json file in ./src/OurContainerApp for that branches app.

Function App Example

npx @investec/home-run
--mode resourcegroup
--subscriptionName our-subscription
--resourceGroupName rg-our-resource-group
--type functionapp
--appLocation ./src/OurFunctionApp

Given the above command, home-run will look for a Resource Group called rg-our-resource-group and will look for a functionapp inside with a Branch tag that matches the current git branch name, e.g. main. If home-run finds a match, it will create a local.settings.json file in ./src/OurFunctionApp for that branches app.

Integrating with package.json

To integrate home-run into your package.json scripts, you can do something like this:

"scripts": {
    "home-run": "home-run --mode resourcegroup --subscriptionName our-subscription --resourceGroupName rg-our-resource-group --type containerapp --appLocation ./src/OurContainerApp"

Or with npx:

"scripts": {
    "home-run": "npx @investec/home-run --mode resourcegroup --subscriptionName our-subscription --resourceGroupName rg-our-resource-group --type containerapp --appLocation ./src/OurContainerApp"

With the above scripts, you can configure your local development environment with npm run home-run.


  • -m | --mode (explicit | resourcegroup): Whether to pass explicit resource names, or look for resources in the Resource Group matching the branch name
  • -t | --type (functionapp | containerapp): The type of resource to generate settings for
  • -l | --appLocation (string): The location of the app, and the directory where the settings file will be generated e.g. ./src/OurContainerApp
  • -s | --subscriptionName (string): The name of the subscription where the resources are located e.g. our-subscription
  • -r | --resourceGroupName (string): The name of the Resource Group where the resources are located e.g. rg-our-resource-group
  • -n | --name (string): The explicit name of the Azure resource e.g. ca-ourapp-dev (the type of resource is determined by the type option) required if mode is explicit
  • -k | --keyVaultName (string): Allows users to supply an explicit Key Vault name - if not supplied when in Resource Group mode, the Key Vault name will be inferred from the branch resources required if mode is explicit
  • -b | --branchName (string): Allows users to supply an explicit branch name - if not supplied, the current git branch will be used
  • -v | --version: Show version
  • -h | --help: Show help


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Configure local development environments for Azure apps with one command



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