During their studies most PhD students will be faced to the situation to write a paper or other publications. Fortunately, one can find many hints, tipps, and checklist on the Internet.
This project aims to provide a template that includes the above mentioned instructions and is basically following the article Tipps zum Schreiben von Konferenzpapieren.
- PDF support: hyperlinks, ToC, annotations, meta-data
- Language support: UTF8 encoding, support for CJK and German
- Integration: buildbot test script, TeXlipse project file, graphviz, gnuplot, R
- Build file: clean, compile, image generation, validation
- Validation: orthography (incl. project dictionary), hyphens, commas, references, todos, best practices, l2tabu, latex/bibtex warnings
- Media: examples for images, multiple images, equations, tables, algorithms
- Bibliography: multiple files, link to the source page, show unreferenced items
- Other: side notes, line numbering
- git clone --recursive git://github.com/Thesis/Paper.git
- cd Paper
- make build
Have a look at http://githubthesis.lighthouseapp.com/tickets and create error reports and feature requests. Also feel free to fork and push enhancements.
- Advice Collection written by Tao Xie and Yuan Xie
- Collected Advice on Research and Writing written by Mark Leone
- Writing Technical Articles written by Henning Schulzrinne
- So long, and thanks for the Ph.D.! "A graduate school survival guide" written by Ronald T. Azuma
- How to Succeed in Graduate School "A Guide for Students and Advisors" written by Marie des Jardins
- Using Commas from Purdue University Online Writing Lab, How to Use English Punctuation Correctly, Komma in Aufzählungen
- Genitive Basics and Advanced Genitive Rules