- Dependencies
- Compile and run
- Produce a PDF file
- Features
- Dependencies ===============
The solver depends on ocaml >= 4.02.1, findlib, oasis, menhir and zarith. It should be noted that zarith depends on libgmp.
You first need to install the following programs:
sudo apt-get install m4
sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev
sudo apt-get install opam
Be sure to use the version 4.02.1 of opam, otherwise switch:
opam switch 4.02.1
eval `opam config env`
Then you can install the packages using opam:
opam install findlib oasis menhir zarith
- Compile and run ==================
Compile the program:
Run the simplex on the file test.lp:
./simplex test.lp
- Produce a PDF file =====================
You can produce a PDF file describing the execution of the simplex. To print it into record.pdf use the option:
-print record.pdf
This file contains:
- the different steps of the algorithm (dictionaries, entering/leaving variables)
- the dual
- the solution
- Features ===========
The solver can use a range of backends using -field [num|gmp|float]
- num : the standard OCaml arbitrary precision library
- gmp : the zarith bindings to gmp
- float : floating point numbers