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A Ravenfield multiplayer mod.

Discord Downloads

This mod is very W.I.P. There are a lot of bugs and opportunities to crash, so please report anything you find!


Important Note: RavenM does not support BepInEx version 6. Please ensure to install the latest version of BepInEx 5.x.x to complete the installation.

This mod depends on BepInEx, a cross-platform Unity modding framework.

First, install BepInEx into Ravenfield following the installation instructions here. As per the instructions, make sure to run the game at least once with BepInEx installed before adding the mod to generate config files.

Next, Download RavenM here and unzip the file, place RavenM.dll into Ravenfield/BepInEx/plugins/. Optionally, you may also place RavenM.pdb to generate better debug information in the logs.

Run the game and RavenM should now be installed.

Or join the Discord server, you can get the Windows installer on #mod-installation channel.


When starting the game, the RavenM Updater may first install a new update from the server.

You can add a startup argument -noravenm on Steam to temporarily unload RavenM plugin

Please be aware pirated/non-official copies of Ravenfield may encounter issues when using RavenM. The mod relies entirely on Steam to transfer game data and mods securely between players.

To play together, one player must be the host. This player will control the behaviour of all the bots, the game parameters, and the current game state. All other players will connect to the host during the match. Despite this, no port-forwarding is required! All data is routed through the Steam relay servers, which means fast, easy and encrypted connections with DDoS protection and Steam authentication.

Now, press M button to open the connection menu.


Press Host and choose whether the lobby is friends only or not. After pressing Start, you will be put into a lobby. At this point, you cannot exit the Instant Action page without leaving the lobby. Other players can connect with the Lobby ID or through the server browser.


Press Join and paste the Lobby ID of an existing lobby. At this point, you cannot edit any of the options in the Instant Action page except for your team. You also cannot start the match. The settings chosen by the host will reflect on your own options.

On Gaming

Press Y to type a global message (press Enter to send, Esc to close the textbox), press U to type a message to your team.

Press Enter to open the Loadout UI.

Press CapsLock to use voice chat (positional).

Press ~ to place a marker.

Have fun!

Credit: Sofa#8366

Credit for the Discord Rich Presence Images: Wolffe#6986

Building from source

Visual Studio 2019+ is recommended. .NET 4.6 is required.

Steps to build:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine

     $ git clone
     $ git checkout master
  2. Build project

    $ dotnet build RavenM

    Dependencies should be restored when building. If not, run the following command:

    $ dotnet restore