Tensorflow implementation for 'LCNN: Lookup-based Convolutional Neural Network'
This also have an implementations multi-gpu training codes for various models, so you can train your own model faster and predict images faster with Lookup Convolutions.
[x] Achieve MNist, ILSVRC2012 Baseline
[x] Training Imagenet on Multiple node with multiple gpus
[x] Training Code - Lookup-based Convolution Layer
[x] Same training result as the original paper
[x] Inference Code - Optimized Dense Matrix Operation by Implementing Custom Tensorflow Operation
[] Fast inference speed as the original paper
Naive Lookup Convolution Processed
[] TODO : OpenBlas or Eigen Implementation
Custom Operation have been implemented for LCNN's lookup convolution.
Source codes in /ops, and it should be build before run the inference code.
(Recommend tensorflow build with '-mavx -msse4.1 -msse4.2' options)
$ cp {tf-lcnn}/ops/* {tensorflow}/tensorflow/core/user_ops/
$ bazel build --config opt --cxxopt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" //tensorflow/core/user_ops:sparse_conv2d.so
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:{tensorflow}/bazel-bin/tensorflow/core/user_ops/
As you can see below timeline, this custom lookup convolutional operation has very little weight in the whole time, when compared relatively with normal convolutional layer.
- LCNN-Fast Configuration
- 1 core, single thread : all tests has been proceeded under this condition.
Alexnet's Fully connected layer was replaced with convolutional layer. Codes will be optimized soon and inference times will be updated.
- LCNN-Fast
- Dictionary Size : 3, 30, 30, 30, 30, 512, 512
- Lambda : 0.3
- LCNN-Accurate
- Dictionary Size : 3, 500, 500, 500, 30, 1024, 1024
- Lambda : 0.4
For LCNN Model, Two versions of networks were trained for experiments.
- LCNN-Fast
- Sparsity : 0.083, 0.034, 0.008, 0.013, 0.027, 0.001, 0.002
- LCNN-Accurate
- Sparsity : 0.129, 0.040, 0.029, 0.034, 0.071, 0.006, 0.007
The original paper was not evaluated on MNIST, but the dataset was suitable for rapid experiments.
Model | Conv. Filter | Inference (Top1) | GPU | Training Time | Etc |
Alexnet | Convolution | 140ms / 99.98% | 1 GPU | 1h 35m | Epoch 40, Batch 128 |
Alexnet | Convolution | 140ms / 99.42% | 4 GPU | 27m (x3.5) | Epoch 40, Batch 512 |
Alexnet | LCNN-Fast | 15ms / 99.24% | 8 GPU | 23m | Epoch 40, Batch 128 |
Alexnet | LCNN-Accurate | 56ms / 99.43% | 8 GPU | 23m | Epoch 40, Batch 128 |
Tests are in progress. Below is a partial result, and it will be updated soon.
- LCNN-Fast
- Dictionary Size : 3, 30, 30, 30, 30, 512, 512
- LCNN-Mid
- LCNN-Accurate
- Dictionary Size : 3, 500, 500, 500, 30, 1024, 1024
Model | Conv. Filter | Inference (Top1/Top5) | GPU | Training Time | Etc |
Alexnet | Convolution | 144ms / 59.40%, 81.50% | 1 GPU | 53h | Epoch 65, Batch 128 |
Alexnet | Convolution | 144ms / 59.21%, 81.33% | 4 GPU | 14h (x3.78) | Epoch 65, Batch 128 |
Alexnet-LCNN | LCNN-Fast | 15ms / 50.60%, 72.34% | 1 GPU | 46h | Epoch 65, Batch 128 |
Alexnet-LCNN | LCNN-Mid | ||||
Alexnet-LCNN | LCNN-Accurate | 62ms / 58.17%, 78.54% | 1 GPU | 47h | Epoch 65, Batch 128 |
TODO : More tests on Resnet and etcs.
The experimental results from the original paper are as follows.
This code is very experimental and have been helped a lot from various websites.
[1] LCNN: Lookup-based Convolutional Neural Network
[2] http://openresearch.ai/t/lcnn-lookup-based-convolutional-neural-network
[3] author's code : https://github.com/hessamb/lcnn/blob/master/layers/PooledSpatialConvolution.lua
[1] ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
[2] imagenet training on alexnet : https://github.com/dontfollowmeimcrazy/imagenet
[3] https://github.com/mouradmourafiq/tensorflow-convolution-models
[1] https://www.tensorflow.org/extend/adding_an_op
[2] http://davidstutz.de/implementing-tensorflow-operations-in-c-including-gradients/
[4] https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/r1.3/tensorflow/python/ops/sparse_ops.py
[5] https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/core/ops/nn_ops.cc#L503
[6] tensorflow/tensorflow#2412
[1] https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_sources
[2] https://github.com/cjweeks/tensorflow-cmake
[3] tensorflow/tensorflow#2412
[1] Distributed Tensorflow : https://www.tensorflow.org/deploy/distributed
[2] Distributed Tensorflow Example : https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/inception
[3] https://research.fb.com/publications/imagenet1kin1h/
[2] https://github.com/ppwwyyxx/tensorpack
[3] https://github.com/sorki/python-mnist
[4] imgaug : https://github.com/aleju/imgaug