Author: Hugo Porcher (icecr4ck)
A Binary Ninja plugin to load Game Boy ROMs and disassemble Game Boy architecture bytecode (Sharp LR35902).
This plugin is based on the description of Game Boy CPU opcodes from here.
- CPU: 8-bit
- RAM size: 8KB
- Similar to Intel 8080 and 8085 as well as Zilog Z80 microprocessors
- ROM structure
- 0-0x100: program executed when the Game Boy is powered up
- 0x100-0x103: entrypoint
- 0x104-0x133: scrolling Nintendo graphic (needs to remain unchanged)
- 0x134-0x14f: ROM header
- 0x134-0x142: ROM title in uppercase ASCII
- 0x143: GB Color (0x80) or GB classic (0)
- 0x144-0x145: Licensee code (new)
- 0x146: GB (0) or Super GB (3)
- 0x147: cartridge type
- 0x148: ROM size (number of banks from 2 to 96)
- 0x149: RAM size (nb of banks from 0 to 16)
- 0x14a: japanese code (0) or not (1)
- 0x14b: licensee code (old)
- 0x14c: mask ROM version number
- 0x14d: complement check
- 0x14e-014f: checksum
Run the following command in your Binary Ninja plugins directory:
git clone
This plugin has only been tested on the following version of Binary Ninja:
- release - 1.2.1921
This plugin is released under a MIT license.