Releases: hyperledger/firefly-cardano
Releases · hyperledger/firefly-cardano
What's Changed
- Fixes for issues found while documenting by @SupernaviX in #28
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0
What's Changed
- Add devshell by @gytis-ivaskevicius in #1
- Usability improvements by @SupernaviX in #2
- feat: add docker-compose file by @gytis-ivaskevicius in #3
- chore: add firefly-demo by @gytis-ivaskevicius in #4
- chore: add docker compose rebuild functionality by @gytis-ivaskevicius in #5
- Use balius to implement smart contracts by @SupernaviX in #6
- Docker stuff by @gytis-ivaskevicius in #7
- chore(docker): add firefly-core by @gytis-ivaskevicius in #8
- chore: update README by @mmahut in #9
- fix: Docker compose setup in README by @EnriqueL8 in #10
- fix: move ghcr from blockfrost to hyperledger by @SupernaviX in #11
- chore(README): remove unrelated sentsance by @mmahut in #12
- fix: use the correct volume for the firefly-cardanoconnect DB by @SupernaviX in #13
- Custom events (using balius) by @SupernaviX in #14
- Add CODEOWNERS by @EnriqueL8 in #15
- fix: update bundled cardano-node image by @SupernaviX in #16
- fix: repository URL in Cargos by @EnriqueL8 in #17
- Fix node-to-client support by @SupernaviX in #18
- chore: update several dependencies to latest by @SupernaviX in #19
- chore(deps): bump ring from 0.17.11 to 0.17.13 in the cargo group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #20
- feat: use cardano-node directly in CI by @SupernaviX in #22
- feat: send receipts to firefly in batches by @SupernaviX in #23
- feat: use standard firefly github action config by @SupernaviX in #24
New Contributors
- @gytis-ivaskevicius made their first contribution in #1
- @SupernaviX made their first contribution in #2
- @mmahut made their first contribution in #9
- @EnriqueL8 made their first contribution in #10
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #20
Full Changelog: