ZFL is the ZeroMQ Function Library, a thin portability & function library for ZeroMQ applications in C/C++. It is written in clear and readable C, portable to all ZeroMQ platforms, and licensed under the LGPL.
The principal goal is to aggressively reduce the LoC in 0MQ devices and other applications written in C, and leave the resulting code 100% portable. A secondary goal is to recycle decades of experience from legacy iMatix C libraries so it can be used for new applications.
ZFL is inspired by the iMatix Standard Function Library (SFL), and borrows liberally from it. See http://legacy.imatix.com/html/sfl/.
See the INSTALL file included with the distribution. To build from git, run sh autogen.sh and then follow the standard INSTALL instructions. Here is the 1-liner for UNIX systems:
sh autogen.sh; ./configure; make all; sudo make install; sudo ldconfig
You will need the pkg-config, libtool, and autoreconf packages.
Include "zfl.h" in your application and link with libzfl. The single header includes the system header files that typical ZeroMQ applications will need. The provided 'c' shell script lets you write simple portable build scripts.
ZFL is developed by and for the ZeroMQ community.
Websites: http://zfl.zeromq.org/, http://www.zeromq.org/
Development mailing list: [email protected] Announcements mailing list: [email protected]
Git repository: http://github.com/imatix/zfl
ZFL developers can also be found on the IRC channel #zeromq, on the Freenode network (irc.freenode.net).