Clone the repo and follow these steps
git clone
Install Requirements
sudo apt-get install python3 sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev libpq-dev postgresql sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools pip3 install -r requrements.txt if pip doesn't work, easy_install is there for you e.g. $ easy_install package_name
Database configuration
If you use postgresql then Change name of databse, db user, db password, localhost, and you can leave port blank If you want to use sqlite3 then just uncomment the sqlite configuration.
Configuring file
you can make DEBUG=True while you are working locally ALLOWED_HOSTS=['*'] in local
Sensitive Information
There are some variables which are coming from either environment variables or from a file so you just create this file and pust those variables in that file or you can use environment variables too. #SENSITIVE DATABASE INFORMATION DB_NAME='xyz' DB_PASS='your_DB_PASS' DB_PORT=5432 DB_USER='abc' #SENSITIVE EMAIL DATA SECRET_KEY='7yl&y17r&7h*#fk&whgdhgyys#^m$0+k$)l!-idm*md%w_ldcj' EMAIL_HOST='' EMAIL_HOST_USER='your Email' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD='your email password' EMAIL_PORT='587'
Now Use the following commands to build the required tables
python3 migrate python3 makemigrations python3 collectstatic python3 createsuperuser to make a super user visit ip:domain/admin to see admin panel
Commands to run server
python3 runserver <ip>:<port> default port is 8000 and default address is ctrl+c to stop the server
I will soon update readme telling how to deploy hohos on Heroku and Digital Ocean.
Want to add some feature in hohos, fork the hohos, make changes and create a Pull Request
you can always email me or come on gitter in case of any query