VTM is developed within the OpenScienceMap project.
- Java map library
- OpenGL vector-tile rendering
- Themeable vector layers
- Support for multiple tile sources:
- primary opensciencemap (.vtm)
- mapsforge files
- GeoJSON tiles
- bitmap: any quadtree-scheme tiles as texture
- Backends:
- Android
- Desktop (using libgdx/LwjGL)
- HTML5/WebGL (using libgdx/GWT)
- iOS (using libgdx/robovm)
- vtm contains the core library
- vtm-android Android backend (no libgdx required)
- vtm-android-example provides examples using vtm-android
- vtm-gdx common libgdx backend code
- vtm-android-gdx Android application
- vtm-desktop Desktop application
- vtm-web HTML5/GWT backend
- vtm-web-app HTML5/GWT application
- vtm-ios iOS application
The libgdx backends for GWT and iOS are very experimental.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/opensciencemap/vtm
Install Android SDK and build-tools 20.0. From extras add 'Android Support Library/Repository' and 'Google Repository'. The commands below should set things up correctly when Android SDK is already installed.
export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/your/android-sdk
./gradlew eclipse
Import all 'vtm' sub-projects into Eclipse.
Just import build.gradle
You can run gradle tasks directly (see also ./gradlew -q tasks
./gradlew clean install
to build the libraries and add them to the local maven repository.
./gradlew :vtm-android-example:run
to run the android example
./gradlew :vtm-desktop:run
to run the desktop demo (only Linux64 and Win64 native libs are provided atm)
./gradlew :vtm-web-app:jettyDraftWar
to run the webgl demo
OpenScienceMap view of Bremen.
- hold right mouse button to change view direction
This library contains code from several projects:
- mapsforge: based on 0.2.4 (http://mapsforge.org)
- osmdroid: some overlay classes (http://code.google.com/p/osmdroid/)
- libgdx: AsyncTask, MathUtils and Interpolation classes (https://github.com/libgdx)
- Android: some Matrix code, TimSort (http://source.android.com)
- tessellate: (https://github.com/cscheid/tessellate)