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  1. simple-ml-serving simple-ml-serving Public

    Simple step-by-step guide to deploying deep learning models to production.

    Python 173 52

  2. tensorflow-grad-cam tensorflow-grad-cam Public

    Tensorflow Slim Grad-Cam to Explain Neural Network Predictions with Heatmap or Shading

    Python 167 41

  3. kubetechno kubetechno Public

    Kubernetes tooling for endpoint coordination and host networking orchestration.

    Go 2 1


Showing 3 of 3 repositories
  • kubetechno Public

    Kubernetes tooling for endpoint coordination and host networking orchestration.

    Go 2 MIT 1 0 0 Updated Apr 7, 2021
  • simple-ml-serving Public

    Simple step-by-step guide to deploying deep learning models to production.

    Python 173 MIT 52 1 0 Updated Jan 13, 2018
  • tensorflow-grad-cam Public

    Tensorflow Slim Grad-Cam to Explain Neural Network Predictions with Heatmap or Shading

    Python 167 41 2 0 Updated Jan 10, 2018


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