A quadtree implementation working on a grid rectangle region in C++.
- The tree structure can be adjusted dynamically and incrementally.
- Working both on square and non-square rectangle grids.
- Time complexity finding a node is
via binary-search on depth. - Supports to find neighbours leaf nodes.
. - Supports to find objects within a rectangle range.
Square: ![]() ![]() |
Rectangle: ![]() ![]() |
中文博客: https://writings.sh/post/quadtree
Copy away Source/Quadtree.hpp
Requirements: >=C++17
// Suppose this is the type of objects to manage.
struct Object {...};
// Creates a function, it stops to split the leaf node when:
// 1. its width and height are both not larger than 2.
// 2. or the number of managed objects not larger than 3.
Quadtree::SplitingStopper ssf = [](int w, int h, int n) {
return (w <= 2 && h <= 2) || (n <= 3);
// Creates a tree on a 30x30 grid region.
Quadtree::Quadtree<Object*> tree(30, 30, ssf);
// Build the tree.
// Add a pointer to object obj1 locates at position (3,4)
tree.Add(3, 4, obj1);
// Remove the pointer to object obj1 locates at position (3,4)
tree.Add(3, 4, obj1);
// Query the objects inside rectangle [(x1,y1), (x2,y2)]
tree.QueryRange(x1, y1, x2, y2, [](int x, int y, Object* o) {
// Handle object o locating at position (x, y)
// Visit every leaf node.
tree.ForEachNode([](Quadtree::Node<Object*>* node) {
if (node->isLeaf) {
// if node is a leaf, visit its objects
for (auto [x, y, o]: node->objects) {
// for every object inside this leaf node,
// the object o locates at position (x,y)
// Visit neighbours leaf node at North direction of given node.
Quadtree<Object*>::VisitT visitor = [](Quadtree::Node<Object*>* node) {
tree.FindNeighbourLeafNodes(node, 0, visitor);
Enter the directory visualizer
cd Visualizer
Make sure conan has been installed, then install the requirements (SDL etc.):
make install
make cmake make build
Run the program on a
grid region:./build/QuadtreeVisualizer -w 30 -h 30
Visualizer's operations:
to quit. -
to clear all queries. -
Add or remove objects: click the left mouse button.
Query Range:
- Click the right mouse button to figure the left-upper corner of the query region.
- Then right click again to figure the right-botton corner to query the objects that inside this rectangle region.
- Click the right mouse button again or just press
to clear the highlighting.
Query Neighbour Nodes:
Press key
to start query neighbour leaf nodes. -
Click the left mouse button to figure a leaf node .
Then press any of
key to figure a direction, then you will see all the neighbour nodes in red.// 4| 0(N)| 5 // --+-----+-- // 3(W)| | 1(E) // --+-----+-- // 7| 2(S)| 6
Press key
again to or just pressESC
to clear the highlighting.