Reference implementation of Hex specifications:
Let's use default config for now. See "Configuration" section below for customization.
Config = hex_core:default_config().
WARNING The built-in httpc-based HTTP client adapter has insecure default settings
and thus it is not recommended for usage, in particular for API write operations.
Use HTTP clients with secure defaults like hackney and Mint.
See "Configuration" and "Wrapper Module" sections for more information on customising your usage of hex_core
Get all package names:
> hex_repo:get_names(Config).
{ok,{200, ...,
#{packages => [
#{name => <<"package1">>},
#{name => <<"package2">>},
Get all package versions from repository:
> hex_repo:get_versions(Config).
{ok,{200, ...,
#{packages => [[
#{name => <<"package1">>, retired => [], versions => [<<"1.0.0">>]},
#{name => <<"package2">>, retired => [], versions => [<<"0.5.0">>]},
Get package releases from repository:
> hex_repo:get_package(Config, <<"package1">>).
{ok,{200, ...,
#{releases => [
#{checksum => ..., version => <<"0.5.0">>, dependencies => []}],
#{checksum => ..., version => <<"1.0.0">>, dependencies => []}],
For a full list of all parameters and returned objects for the API, check out the API docs:
Get package from HTTP API:
> hex_api_package:get(Config, <<"package1">>).
{ok, {200, ...,
<<"name">> => <<"package1">>,
<<"meta">> => #{
<<"description">> => ...,
<<"licenses">> => ...,
<<"links">> => ...,
<<"maintainers">> => ...,
<<"releases">> => [
#{<<"url">> => ..., <<"version">> => <<"0.5.0">>}],
#{<<"url">> => ..., <<"version">> => <<"1.0.0">>}],
Get package tarball:
{ok, {200, _, Tarball}} = hex_repo:get_tarball(Config, <<"package1">>, <<"1.0.0">>).
Publish package tarball:
{ok, {200, _Headers, _Body} = hex_api_package:publish(Config, Tarball).
Unpack package tarball:
{ok, #{outer_checksum := Checksum, contents := Contents, metadata := Metadata}} = hex_tarball:unpack(Tarball, memory).
Remember to verify the outer tarball checksum against the registry checksum
returned from hex_repo:get_package(Config, Package)
Create package tarball:
{ok, #{tarball := Tarball,
inner_checksum := InnerChecksum,
outer_checksum := OuterChecksum}} = hex_tarball:create(Metadata, Contents).
The default configuration, provided by hex_core:default_config/0
, uses built-in httpc-based adapter and APIs: and
HTTP client configuration can be overridden as follows:
Config = maps:merge(hex_core:default_config(), #{
http_adapter => {my_hackney_adapter, my_hackney_adapter_config},
http_user_agent_fragment => <<"(my_app/0.1.0) (hackney/1.12.1) ">>
%% my_hackney_adapter.erl
request(Method, URI, ReqHeaders, Body, AdapterConfig) ->
%% ...
See the hex_core
module for more information about the configuration.
It's recommended to write a wrapper module because a lot of decisions are left to the user, e.g.: where to get configuration from, how to handle caching, failures etc.
For a sample, see: examples/myapp_hex.erl
. Here's an excerpt:
%% API functions
get_api_package(Name) ->
case hex_api_package:get(config(), Name) of
{ok, {200, _Headers, Payload}} ->
{ok, Payload};
Other ->
get_repo_versions() ->
case hex_repo:get_versions(config()) of
{ok, {200, _Headers, Payload}} ->
{ok, maps:get(packages, Payload)};
Other ->
%% Internal functions
config() ->
Config1 = hex_core:default_config(),
Config2 = put_http_config(Config1),
Config3 = maybe_put_api_key(Config2),
put_http_config(Config) ->
maps:put(http_user_agent_fragment, <<"(myapp/1.0.0) (httpc)">>, Config).
maybe_put_api_key(Config) ->
case os:getenv("HEX_API_KEY") of
false -> Config;
Key -> maps:put(api_key, Key, Config)
Add to rebar.config
{deps, [
{hex_core, "0.11.0"}
Add to mix.exs
defp deps do
{:hex_core, "~> 0.11.0"}
- Run
rebar3 as dev compile
to re-generate protobuf files - Run
rebar3 as test proper
for property-based tests - Run
rebar3 ex_doc
to generate documentation