A cross-platform command-line tool that adds labels to your app icon.
Badger is powered by SixLabors.ImageSharp
brew tap hex/formulae
brew install badger
scoop bucket add badger https://github.com/hex/Badger
scoop install badger
Option | Description | Default | Format |
--text |
Text to be displayed on the badge | ||
--icon |
Path to the icon file / directory | ||
--font-name |
Name of the font to be used | Arial |
--height |
Height as percentage | 20 |
0 - 100 |
--width |
Width as percentage | 100 |
0 - 100 |
--color |
Background color | #4096EE |
--opacity |
Opacity | 1 |
0 - 1 |
--text-color |
Text color | #F9F7ED |
--text-alignment |
Text alignment | center |
left, center, right |
-r, --angle |
Rotation angle | 0 |
0 - 360 |
-x, --offsetx |
X-axis offset | 0 |
-y, --offsety |
Y-axis offset | 0 |
--badge-pivot |
Badge pivot point | bottom |
top, left, bottom, right, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight, center |
--horizontal-padding |
Text horizontal padding | 5 |
--vertical-padding |
Text vertical padding | 0 |
--horizontal-pivot |
Text horizontal pivot | center |
left, center, right |
--vertical-pivot |
Text vertical pivot | center |
top, center, bottom |
-o, --overwrite |
Replace input icon. WARNING: This will overwrite the input icon | false |
badger --text ALPHA --icon icon.png --badge-height 25 --angle -45 --horizontal-padding 60 --offsetx 65 --offsety 65
badger --text BETA --icon icon.png --color "#FFFD88" --text-color "#C79811" --offsety -25
badger --text DEV --icon icon.png --width 50 --color "#363A3D" --text-color "#CDEB8B" --offsety -100 --badge-pivot bottomRight
Usage: badger [options...]
--text <String> Set badge text (Required)
--icon <String> Icon path.[.png | .jpg | .jpeg | .appiconset] (Required)
--font-name <String> Font name (Default: Arial)
--width <Int32> Badge width in percentage. 0 - 100 (Default: 100)
--height <Int32> Badge height in percentage. 0 - 100 (Default: 20)
--color <String> Set badge background color with a hexadecimal color code (Default: #4096EE)
--opacity <Single> Badge opacity (Default: 1)
--text-color <String> Set badge text color with a hexadecimal color code (Default: #F9F7ED)
--text-alignment <String> Set badge text alignment. left | center | right (Default: center)
-r, --angle <Int32> Set badge rotation (Default: 0)
-x, --offsetx <Int32> Set badge x-axis offset (Default: 0)
-y, --offsety <Int32> Set badge y-axis offset (Default: 0)
--badge-pivot <String> Set badge pivot point. top | left | bottom | right | topLeft | topRight | bottomLeft | bottomRight (Default: bottomLeft)
--horizontal-padding <Int32> Set badge text horizontal padding (Default: 5)
--vertical-padding <Int32> Set badge text vertical padding (Default: 0)
--horizontal-pivot <String> Set badge text horizontal pivot. left | center | right (Default: center)
--vertical-pivot <String> Set badge text vertical pivot. top | center | bottom (Default: center)
-o, --overwrite Replace input icon. WARNING: This will overwrite the input icon. (Optional)
help Display help.
version Display version
Badger is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.