- I'm 15 and i'm studying Computer Science, branched at Systems Development in the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).
- I have plenty of knowledge in silicon and ways to achieve its maximum performance through Overclocking and Tuning.
- My favourite languages are PowerShell, C++ and C#, but im also learning C and kernel level logic.
- Currently dual-booting Windows 11 + GlazeWM and Arch Linux + Hyprland with the rEFInd bootloader.
Learn more about my Desktop and Workflow setup here.
[π‘] In Development γ‘ [π΅] Stable γ‘ [π’] Finished
- [π‘] TheOS: A custom Windows Server based Operating System that includes many changes towards real-time performance, including improvements in gaming and intensive workloads focusing in latency. (Currently abandoned)
- [π΅] remote.ctrl: A Websocket client for Windows allowing the change of variables and execution of commands within a Web Interface using Boost.Asio and Boost.Beast, written in C++.
- [π’] HWID Checker: A C# application using Windows Forms and the Terminal to check for the user's HWID, used for some login pages and kernel anti-cheats.