Ports is an OSC to CV/Gate and MIDI converter. Built to run on raspberry pi zero w (or other raspberry pi variants). It listens for incoming OSC messages on port 5000.
It will convert them into CV/Trigger and gate on the MAX11300 chip or MIDI messages (see API section of this readme)
During this procedure we assume that you have access to your pi, using a screen + keyboard, or over SSH.
- download the raspbian lite image. you only need the lite version (no need for X windows and similar things) https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian
- Install raspbian on your pi. https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/
- Enable sshd by putting an empty file called ssh on the boot partition.
touch /Volumes/boot/ssh
on mac. - get your pi connected on the internet
- use a wired ethernet connection. just plug the pi into your router.
- or setup wifi as described https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md
Ports could work on other linux flavours such as osmc etc, but the automatic WLAN fallback might not work as expected as WLAN is distro specific.
(below) assumes the system is a raspbian jessie.
Clone ports repository git clone https://github.com/hdavid/ports.git
- if git is not installed, just run
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git
Then from the ports directory run ./install.sh
This will:
- download and install the SPI broadcom drivers
- install liblo osc lib package
- install dnsmsaq package (dns, dhcp for accesspoint mode)
- compile ports
- configure fall back access point ssid:
, psk:portsports
- configure ports to start at boot time automatically
you can also install pink, to provide ableton link. run ./install-pink.sh
If no known wifi network is in range, ports will create an access point :
- ssid: ports
- psk: portsports
You can add your own wifi networks in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Make sure to enter your network before the one added by ports (identified by ssid="ports" and mode=2), as wpa_supplicant try the networks in the order they appear in this configuration file.
Example of network configuration :
Port must run as root on order to access SPI bus used to communicate with the MAX11300. Note that ports is started automatically at boot time. (done by ./install.sh)
you can however start manually from
sudo /usr/local/bin/portsd no-daemon
OSC Port: 5000
/out/<[1-20]>/<mode> <float>
mode is one of : trig, gate, flipflop, cvuni, cvbi, lfosine, lfosaw, lfotri, lfosquare
unipolar is [0v 10v]. bipolar is [-5v +5v]. LFO rates are in Hertz. other input values are in the range [0 1] and mapped to the cv voltage.
for now the MIDI device is hardcoded in the code to be the first usb device plugged. /dev/snd/midiC1D0
is easily changeable in Ports.cpp.
/midi/<channel>/cc/<midiCC> <value>
/midi/<channel>/noteOn/<noteNumber> <velocity>
/midi/<channel>/noteOff/<noteNumber> <velocity>
channel: 1-16
noteNumber, midiCC, velocity, value : 1-127