An alternative Google Protocol Buffers code generator, parser, and Gradle module. The project has these design goals:
- Modern Nice Java Objects - parse the proto files into nice clean Java objects. With as clean as API as possible. Using the newer Java Record style getters and setters. Support latest LTS Java version features.
- Explicit Error Handling - when a message field is not on the wire, return null from getter not default object.
This is like Java's choice of checked exceptions over unchecked exceptions. It forces the developer to handle
the error case rather than silently ignoring it. To make this easier, the generated model objects have two versions
of each getter method
. - Performance Optimized - be as fast or faster than the standard Google ProtoC generated code
- Minimal Garbage Generated - produce the minimum amount of garbage Java objects as possible
- Identical Binary Wire Encoding - produce the same binary encoding as the standard Google ProtoC generated code
- Deterministic Binary Encoding - produce the same binary encoding for the same input every time. This means fields are always serialized in ascending field order and all maps are sorted by key. This is needed so hashes of serialized objects and signatures of objects are dependable.
- Stable hashCode() and equals() - produce stable hashCode() and equals() methods for generated model objects that are suitable for long term storage of objects in hash maps. This includes handling of new fields being added to objects so, just like wire format, fields with default value are not included in hashCode() and equals() methods. This allows new fields with default values to be added to key objects without affecting hashcode or equals.
- Keep "JEP 401: Value Classes and Objects" in mind - If possible design generated model objects to work as Value Classes when available.
- Minimal 3rd party dependencies - only use 3rd party libraries when they are really needed and are well maintained
- Low level protobuf read/write API - provide low level API for manually reading/writing protobuf in buffers, byte arrays and streams.
- IO.GRPC Alternative for Helidon SE - provide an alternative to the IO.GRPC library that has low level access to bytes, no 3rd party dependencies and prioritizes fail fast for security.
- Generate clean readable code - the generated code should be as clean and readable as possible, as if it was carefully written by hand.
These design goals often compete with each other so this project tries to strike the right balance for use in the Hiero Consensus Node project. The hope is that balance might well be useful in many other projects. There is still plenty of work to achieve these goals, and will probably always be improvements that can be made, but this is what the project is striving for.
Running gradle build
in pbj-core
directory will build the libraries for compiler, runtime, and grpc.
Running gradle build
in pbj-integration-tests
will check out the latest proto source files from the
hedera-protobufs repository as sample schemas and generate code using pbj-compiler
run all the 100k+ generated unit tests which takes a few minutes. The hedera protobufs provide a good coverage of
protobuf features and insure all the generated code is tested for hiero node use case.
These tests should be run before committing any new code for PBJ.
PBJ is a long term project with many goals. Here are some of the long term goals:
- Support all Protobuf Features
- Support new versions of Protobuf as possible
- Generate GRPC Services
- Built in GRPC-Web support
- Auto mapping GRPC APIs to JSON REST APIs
- JSON REST performance as good as GRPC