##pyTracer - a Ray Tracer in Python
####Vision -> Physics (radiometry) -> Mathematical Model -> Python -> Screen Pixels
####Direction Illumination
####Ambient Occlusion
####Area Light without Tone Mapping

####Area Light with Tone Mapping
( Erik Reinhard, Mike Stark, Peter Shirley and Jim Ferwerda, 'Photographic Tone Reproduction for Digital Images', ACM Transactions on Graphics, 21(3), pp 267--276, July 2002 (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2002).)
####Area Light with Blooming Effect and Tone Mapping
(K. Chiu, M. Herf, P. Shirley, S. Swamy, C. Wang, and K. Zimmerman. Spatially nonuniform scaling functions for high contrast images. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface '93, pages 245--253, 1993.)

##How to Run
#####pypy pyTracer
- to render a default 740740 with 1 pixel samples picture
#####pypy pyTracer width height pixel_samples
- to render a widthheight with number pixel samples picture
If you have not installed PyPy, Python is still OK, but a lot slower...
#####python pyTracer
- to render a default 740740 with 1 pixel samples picture
#####python pyTracer width height pixel_samples
- to render a widthheight with number pixel samples picture
- Ray Tracing from the Ground Up by Kevin Suffern
- Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation by Matt Pharr, Greg Humphreys
- Advanced Global Illumination by Philip Dutre, Philippe Bekaert and Kavita Bala
- Mitsuba Renderer : http://www.mitsuba-renderer.org
- LuxRender : http://www.luxrender.net