A set of command line tools for Dwarf Fortress.
The current git branch is a work in progress, but you can find the legacy Dwarf Fortress Auto source at the tags page. You can also download legacy binaries from the downloads page.
dfpm [--directory DIR] [--platform PLATFORM] update
dfpm [--directory DIR] [--platform PLATFORM] install <package>...
dfpm [--directory DIR] [--platform PLATFORM] remove <package>...
dfpm [--directory DIR] [--platform PLATFORM] upgrade [<package>...]
dfpm [--directory DIR] [--platform PLATFORM] show [<package>...]
dfpm -h | --help
dfpm -l | --license
dfpm -v | --version
-d --directory DIR Directory to install packages to. [default: ./]
-p --platform PLATFORM Override platform. [default: detect]
Valid values: linux / osx / windows
-h --help Display the help text.
-l --license Display the license
-v --version Disaply the version
dfpm install dwarffortress
Install Dwarf Fortress.
dfpm install dwarffortress phoebus lazynewbpack
Install Dwarf Fortress, Phoebus tileset, and Lazy Newb Pack embark
dfpm install phoebus
Install Phoebus tileset, will install Dwarf Fortress if it
isn't present.
dfpm --directory ~/foobar/ install dwarffortress
Install Dwarf Fortress in "~/foobar/".
dfpm --platform windows install dwarffortress
Install the Windows version of Dwarf Fortress, even if the current
OS is different.
dfpm update
Check for updates to packages.
dfpm upgrade
Upgrade all packages.
dfpm upgrade dwarffortress
Upgrade only Dwarf Fortress.
dfpm upgrade dwarffortress phoebus
Upgrade Dwarf Fortress and Phoebus packages.
dfpm show
Show package information for all installed packages.
dfpm show dwarffortress
Show package information for package "dwarffortress"
dfopt [--directory DIR] search (<opt>)
dfopt [--directory DIR] set (<opt> <value>)...
dfopt [--directory DIR] defaults
dfopt [--directory DIR] backup OPTSFILE
dfopt [--directory DIR] restore OPTSFILE
dfopt -h | --help
dfopt -l | --license
dfopt -v | --version
-d --directory DIR Path to Dwarf Fortress install.
-h --help Display the help text.
-l --license Display the license
-v --version Disaply the version
dfopt search population
Search the configs for variables containing "population".
dfopt set population_cap 80
dfopt set baby_child_cap 0:10
Set BABY_CHILD_CAP to 0:10
dfopt set population_cap 80 baby_child_cap 0:10
Set multiple values at once.
dfopt restore OPTSFILE
Read a file containing saved options and values,
then set the game's options to those values.
This uses the same format as Dwarf Fortress's init files, eg:
dfsg [--directory] backup WORLD BACKUPDIR
dfsg [--directory] backup all BACKUPDIR
dfsg [--directory] restore WORLD BACKUPDIR
dfsg [--directory] restore all BACKUPDIR
dfsg -h | --help
dfsg -l | --license
dfsg -v | --version
-d --directory Path to Dwarf Fortress install.
-h --help Display the help text.
-l --license Display the license
-v --version Disaply the version
dfsg backup region1 ~/dfbackups
Backs up world "region1" to "~/dfbackups"
dfsg backup all ~/dfbackups
Backs up all worlds to "~/dfbackups"
dfsg --directory ~/df backup region1 ~/dfbackups
Backs up world "region1" from "~/df" to "~/dfbackups"
dfsg restore region1 ~/dfbackups
Restores world "region1" from "~/dfbackups"
dfsg restore all ~/dfbackups
Restores all worlds from "~/dfbackups"
dfsg --directory ~/df restore region1 ~/dfbackups
Restores world "region1" from "~/dfbackups" to "~/df"
This program uses materials from the Lazy Newb Pack.
It also includes embark profiles, which were originally authored by LucasUP, captnduck, and Mike Mayday.