APO is a simple OAuth IAM server.
It's backed is simple htpasswd file (as used e.g. in Apache)
It issues tokens under /token
Tokens are signed using ECDSA, using a key generated at startup and exposed as jwk under /key
Please Note: this app server currently only provides an http endpoint (not https), so you should expose it behind a reverse proxy (such as nginx). This allows you also to use a certificate managed by letsencrypt.
go run main.go
config is based on viper. The server looks for a file called iam-conf.json
and evaluates command line parameters and environment variables
set via command line using -f
or --passfile
resp "passfile"
in the config file.
This tells the server which htpasswd file to use as user base. defaults to "./passes"
Not re-evaluated at runtime, restart IAM on changes.
set via command line using -e
or --endpoint
resp "endpoint"
in the config file.
where this server listens. defaults to ":3000"
set via command line using -a
or --audience
resp "audience"
in the config file.
the audience/realm that gets protected. Appears as such in the basic auth challenge of IAM and in the issued token.
defaults to "myhome"
github.com/Sirupsen/logrus MIT License
github.com/abbot/go-http-auth Apache License 2.0 (95%)
github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go MIT License (98%)
github.com/foomo/htpasswd MIT License
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License (96%)
github.com/gorilla/mux BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License (96%)
github.com/h0ru5/hmauth/IAM MIT License (98%)
github.com/hashicorp/hcl Mozilla Public License 2.0
github.com/kr/fs BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License (96%)
github.com/magiconair/properties BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License (95%)
github.com/mendsley/gojwk BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License (96%)
github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure MIT License
github.com/pelletier/go-buffruneio ?
github.com/pelletier/go-toml MIT License
github.com/pkg/errors BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License
github.com/pkg/sftp BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License
github.com/spf13/afero Apache License 2.0 (95%)
github.com/spf13/cast MIT License
github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman MIT License
github.com/spf13/pflag BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License (96%)
github.com/spf13/viper MIT License
golang.org/x/crypto BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License (96%)
golang.org/x/net/context BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License (96%)
golang.org/x/sys/unix BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License (96%)
golang.org/x/text BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License (96%)
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 ? (The Unlicense, 35%)
Copyright (c) Johannes Hund / @h0ru5 2017
Published under the MIT licence