Go4 Release Package v6.4.0 (build 60400)
March 2025
The GSI Online Offline Object Oriented (Go4) Project
Experiment Data Processing at EE department, GSI
Authors: Joern Adamczewski-Musch (1999-)
Mohammad Al-Turany (2000-2004)
Sven Augustin [Python] (2015-)
Denis Bertini (2001-2004)
Hans Georg Essel (1999-2010)
Marc Hemberger (1999-2000)
Sergey Linev (2002-)
Copyright (C) 2000- Gesellschaft f. Schwerionenforschung, GSI
Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
Contact: http://go4.gsi.de
This software can be used under the license agreements as stated
in Go4License.txt file which is part of the distribution.
This package was tested on
- openSUSE Leap 42.2, openSUSE Tumblweed 10.2022
- Debian 7.0, Debian 8.10 (32 bit and 64bit), Debian 9, Debian 11
- macOS 10.14.6
- compilers: gcc 10.2, gcc 11.2, gcc 12.2, gcc 13.2
- ROOT 6.28 or higher (recommended 6.30)
- Qt5.12 or higher (recommended 5.15)
- or Qt6.4 or higher (experimental)
Install the ROOT framework Version >=6.28/00. See instruction how download and compile ROOT on http://root.cern Recommended way to build ROOT - compile it and use from compilation path:
[shell] tar xzf root_v6.28.00.source.tar.gz
[shell] mkdir build_628
[shell] cd build_628
[shell] cmake ../root_v6.28.00
[shell] make -j
[shell] source bin/thisroot.sh
To use web-based graphics (required for Mac) qt5web option should be enabled:
shell> cmake ../root_v6.28.00 -Dwebgui=ON -Dqt5web=ON
Check after ROOT compilation that everything is fine by calling:
shell> root-config --version
If actual version is printed, such ROOT installation can be used for go4. If command fails, one should configure environment call
shell> source /path/to/root/bin/thisroot.sh
This Go4 distribution can be built with following Qt versions:
- qt5 - Qt 5.6.x and higher (recommended 5.15.2)
- qt6 - Qt 6.4.x and higher Most modern Linux distributions provide Qt libraries, utilities and include files. Typically one should install libqt5-devel packages. Normally Go4 able to detect major version of such Qt installation and will compile correspondent version of Go4 GUI. If both qt5 and qt6 are installed, use "cmake -Dqt6=ON <path_to_source>" to compile go4 with Qt6.
If there is no Qt installed on your system, or Go4 is not able to use it correctly, one should download it from https://www.qt.io/download anf follow instruction how it should be installed. After compilation set environment variables e.g.
shell> export QTDIR=$PWD
shell> export PATH=$PATH:$QTDIR/bin
Go4 QtROOT GUI on Mac works only with web-based ROOT graphics. For that one requires latest qt5 with QWebEngine support. Most simple way is to use brew (see http://macappstore.org/qt5/):
shell> brew install qt5
Qt5 should be installed before ROOT and ROOT compilation should include -Dqt5web=ON flag. After installing Qt5 libraries, one should set following shell variables:
shell> export Qt5_DIR=/usr/local/opt/qt5/
shell> export QTDIR=/usr/local/opt/qt5/
shell> export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
Create build directory and call
shell> cmake "path_to_source_dir"
shell> make -j
One also can specify several options for cmake:
-Dhdf5=ON - enable HDF5 support, requires installed HDF5 library
-Dqt6=ON - use Qt6 for GUI compilation
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/user/custom/dir - configure custom directory for installation
During compilation "go4login" script is generated, where all necessary environment variables for ROOT, Qt and Go4 are set. It can be copied in any suitable location (accessible via PATH variable) and called:
shell> source <build_path>/go4login
After that go4 gui and user analysis can be started from any directory.
shell> go4
Please read the Go4 Manual $GO4SYS/docs/Go4Introduction.pdf for further information on adopting your analysis and how to use the GUI.
Please read the ROOT Users guide (available at https://root.cern) for any questions concerning the ROOT system itself.
Please contact the Go4 developer team for any bug reports and wishes!
If go4 build cmake, it can be used directly from build directory. If required, one can install it with the command:
shell> make install
It will copy files to configured installation path
To use ROOT6 and Go4 on Windows, it is necessary to install Microsoft Visual Studio. There is free "Community" version which can be found on https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/ website. During installation C++ components should be installed.
For the go4 there is windows installer file, which provides Go4 with correspondent ROOT and Qt5 libraries. It is recommended to install it in directory without spaces like "C:\Soft\go4". After installation Go4 icon created in the windows menu and on desktop - it runs go4 gui.
To compile any user analysis, start "x86 Native Tools Command Prompt VS 2019" and:
call C:\Soft\go4\go4login.bat
mkdir C:\Soft\analysis
cd C:\Soft\analysis
cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 -Thost=x64 c:\Soft\go4\examples\Go4ExampleSimple
cmake --build . --config Release -- /maxcpucount
To run it, one should specify directory "C:\Soft\analysis\Release" as analysis directory in "Launch Analysis" widget.
First of all, install Qt5 with WebEngine support on Windows. Then start "x86 Native Tools Command Prompt VS 2019" and compile ROOT:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Qt5\5.15.2\msvc2019\bin
mkdir C:\Soft\root
cd C:\Soft\root
cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 -Thost=x64 c:\git\root -Droot7=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 -Dwebgui=ON -Dqt5web=ON
cmake --build . --config Release -- /maxcpucount
Then compile Go4:
call C:\Soft\root\bin\thisroot.bat
mkdir C:\Soft\go4
cd C:\Soft\go4
cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 -Thost=x64 c:\git\go4
cmake --build . --config Release -- /maxcpucount