MessagePack for mruby is MessagePack implimented in mruby language.
msg = [1, 2, 3].to_msgpack #=> "\x93\x01\x02\x03"
MessagePack.unpack(msg) #=> [1, 2, 3]
This is early vesion. Please check the methods that work in test foloder.
I test MessagePack for mruby in mac OSX 10.8.4. In the future it will work in Windows and Linux OS.
Download MessagePack for mruby at the command prompt:
git clone
Add config.gem line to
build_config.rb do |conf|
# ...(snip)...
conf.gem :git => ''
Test at the command prompt:
rake test
Build at the command prompt:
mruby-msgpack is based on msgpack-ruby(a7c2dc34ef69c9132167e38009baa8420c460c9b
I encourage you to contribute to MessagePack for mruby!
Author : Jun Hiroe
Copyrigh : Copyright (c) 2013 Jun Hiroe
License : MIT License