This GitHub organization contains open source libraries and tools that ease and augment the use of Google Maps Platform.
Call Web Services APIs from your preferred language:
Extend Maps SDKs functionality with utility libraries for common needs such as marker clustering, importing KML and GeoJSON, and polyline encoding and decoding.
- Extended Component Library: Maps, Place picker, Place overview, and Route overview
- JavaScript API Loader
- JavaScript Advanced Markers Utility Library
- JavaScript Marker Clusterer, Polyline Encoder, ThreeJS Overlay View
- JavaScript URL Signing for Maps Static and Street View Static APIs
- Utility Libraries for Maps SDK for Android, for Maps SDK for iOS
Get idomatic support for the languages and frameworks you use.
- JavaScript Jest Mocks
- JavaScript Types and TypeScript Guards
- React Wrapper for Maps JavaScript API
- Kotlin Extensions for Maps SDK for Android, for Places SDK for Android
- Maps Compose, Jetpack Compose components for the Maps SDK for Android
- Firebase Extensions for Google Maps Platform
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