I'm Daniel, a Cloud Architect and Developer working with Kubernetes and other cloud-native stuff.
- gonzolino/terraform-provider-powerdns - Terraform provider to manage PowerDNS zones (4 days ago)
- gonzolino/tado-window-control - Cloud function to control the window state of a tado zone (1 month ago)
- gonzolino/gotado - Go client for the tado° Web API (1 month ago)
- gonzolino/terraform-provider-tado - Terraform provider for Tado
- gonzolino/terraform-provider-powerdns - Terraform provider to manage PowerDNS zones
- gonzolino/argocd - ArgoCD tests
- gonzolino/gotado (v2.1.1, 1 month ago) - Go client for the tado° Web API
- gonzolino/tado-window-control (v1.7.1, 1 month ago) - Cloud function to control the window state of a tado zone
- gonzolino/terraform-provider-tado (v1.0.6, 2 years ago) - Terraform provider for Tado