Go Library for Queuing and Extracting ZIP, RAR, GZ, BZ2, TAR, TGZ, TBZ2, 7Z, ISO (and other) compressed archive files. Can also be used ad-hoc for direct decompression and extraction. See docs.
- GoDoc
- Works on Linux, Windows, FreeBSD and macOS without Cgo.
- Supports 32 and 64 bit architectures.
- Decrypts RAR and 7-Zip archives with passwords.
This library provides a queue, and a common interface to extract files. It does not do the heavy lifting, and relies on these libraries to extract files:
- RAR: nwaples/rardecode
- 7-Zip: bodgit/sevenzip
- ISO: kdomanski/iso9660
- Brotli: andybalholm/brotli
- LZ4: pierrec/lz4
- XZ: github.com/therootcompany/xz
- Zstandard: klauspost/compress
- S2: klauspost/compress
- Snappy: klauspost/compress
- Zlib: klauspost/compress
- LZW: sshaman1101/dcompress
, Gzip
, Tar
and Bzip
are all handled by the standard Go library.
package main
import (
// Logger satisfies the xtractr.Logger interface.
type Logger struct {
xtractr *log.Logger
debug *log.Logger
info *log.Logger
// Printf satisfies the xtractr.Logger interface.
func (l *Logger) Printf(msg string, v ...interface{}) {
l.xtractr.Printf(msg, v...)
// Debug satisfies the xtractr.Logger interface.
func (l *Logger) Debugf(msg string, v ...interface{}) {
l.debug.Printf(msg, v...)
// Infof printf an info line.
func (l *Logger) Infof(msg string, v ...interface{}) {
l.info.Printf(msg, v...)
func main() {
log := &Logger{
xtractr: log.New(os.Stdout, "[XTRACTR] ", 0),
debug: log.New(os.Stdout, "[DEBUG] ", 0),
info: log.New(os.Stdout, "[INFO] ", 0),
q := xtractr.NewQueue(&xtractr.Config{
Suffix: "_xtractd",
Logger: log,
Parallel: 1,
FileMode: 0644, // ignored for tar files.
DirMode: 0755,
defer q.Stop() // Stop() waits until all extractions finish.
response := make(chan *xtractr.Response)
// This sends an item into the extraction queue (buffered channel).
Name: "my archive", // name is not import to this library.
SearchPath: "/tmp/archives", // can also be a direct file.
CBChannel: response, // queue responses are sent here.
// Queue always sends two responses. 1 on start and again when finished (error or not)
resp := <-response
log.Infof("Extraction started: %s", strings.Join(resp.Archives, ", "))
resp = <-response
if resp.Error != nil {
// There is possibly more data in the response that is useful even on error.
// ie you may want to cleanup any partial extraction.
log.Printf("Error: %v", resp.Error)
log.Infof("Extracted Files:\n - %s", strings.Join(resp.NewFiles, "\n - "))
This example shows ExtractFile()
with a very simple XFile
You can choose output path, as well as file and dir modes.
Failing to provide OutputDir
results in unexpected behavior.
attempts to identify the type of file. If you
know the file type you may call the direct method instead:
package main
import (
func main() {
x := &xtractr.XFile{
FilePath: "/tmp/myfile.zip",
OutputDir: "/tmp/myfile", // do not forget this.
// size is how many bytes were written.
// files may be nil, but will contain any files written (even with an error).
size, files, err := xtractr.ExtractFile(x)
if err != nil || files == nil {
log.Fatal(size, files, err)
log.Println("Bytes written:", size, "Files Extracted:\n -", strings.Join(files, "\n -"))
This is what XFile
looks like (today at least):
// XFile defines the data needed to extract an archive.
type XFile struct {
FilePath string // Path to archive being extracted.
OutputDir string // Folder to extract archive into.
FileMode os.FileMode // Write files with this mode.
DirMode os.FileMode // Write folders with this mode.
Password string // (RAR/7z) Archive password. Blank for none.