This respository contains a list of apps and labs developed within the framework of the Go-Lab project. All of them are shared under CC BY-NC license (
The apps and labs are organised according to the institution in charge of them. If you need further information, please contact the following people:
- CERTH: Panagiotis Zervas [email protected], Alexandros Trichos [email protected]
- University of Duisburg-Essen ( Sven Manske [email protected], Tobias Hecking [email protected], Ulrich Hoppe [email protected]
- EPFL ( Vozniuk Andrii [email protected], María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana [email protected], Denis Gillet [email protected]
- University of Twente ( Jakob Sikken [email protected], Anjo Anjewierden [email protected], Lars Bollen [email protected]