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Type safe SQL builder with code generation and automatic query result data mapping


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Jet is a complete solution for efficient and high performance database access, combining a type-safe SQL builder with code generation and automatic query result mapping.

Jet currently supports the following database engines:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • SQLite

This list is not exclusive, as many other databases implement compatible wire protocols. For example, CockroachDB uses the PostgreSQL wire protocol, and MariaDB is based on the MySQL protocol. Both databases are tested and known to work with Jet.

Support for additional databases may be introduced in future releases.

Jet is the easiest, and the fastest way to write complex type-safe SQL queries as a Go code and map database query result into complex object composition.


Jet is not an ORM.




  1. Auto-generated type-safe SQL Builder. Statements supported:

    • WITH
  2. Auto-generated Data Model types - Go types mapped to database type (table, view or enum), used to store result of database queries. Can be combined to create complex query result destination.

  3. Query execution with result mapping to arbitrary destination.

Getting Started


To install Jet package, you need to install Go and set your Go workspace first.

Go version 1.22+ is required


Use the command bellow to add jet as a dependency into go.mod project:

$ go get -u

Jet generator can be installed using one of the following methods:

  • ✅ Option 1: Install via go install:
go install


Jet generator is installed to the directory named by the GOBIN environment variable, which defaults to $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/go/bin if the GOPATH environment variable is not set.

  • ✅ Option 2: Build manually from source and install jet generator to specific folder:
git clone
cd jet && go build -o <target_directory> ./cmd/jet


Make sure target_directory is included in your system’s PATH environment variable to allow global access to the jet command.

Quick Start

For this quick start example we will use PostgreSQL sample 'dvd rental' database. Full database dump can be found in ./tests/testdata/init/postgres/dvds.sql. A schema diagram illustrating the relevant part of the database is available here.

Generate SQL Builder and Model types

To generate jet SQL Builder and Data Model types from running postgres database, we need to call jet generator with postgres connection parameters and destination folder path. Assuming we are running local postgres database, with user user, user password pass, database jetdb and schema dvds we will use this command:

jet -dsn=postgresql://user:pass@localhost:5432/jetdb?sslmode=disable -schema=dvds -path=./.gen
Connecting to postgres database: postgresql://user:pass@localhost:5432/jetdb?sslmode=disable 
Retrieving schema information...
  FOUND 15 table(s), 7 view(s), 1 enum(s)
Cleaning up destination directory...
Generating table sql builder files...
Generating view sql builder files...
Generating enum sql builder files...
Generating table model files...
Generating view model files...
Generating enum model files...

Procedure is similar for MySQL, CockroachDB, MariaDB and SQLite. For example:

jet -source=mysql -dsn="user:pass@tcp(localhost:3306)/dbname" -path=./.gen
jet -dsn=postgres://user:pass@localhost:26257/jetdb?sslmode=disable -schema=dvds -path=./.gen  #cockroachdb
jet -dsn="mariadb://user:pass@tcp(localhost:3306)/dvds" -path=./.gen              # source flag can be omitted if data source appears in dsn
jet -source=sqlite -dsn="/path/to/sqlite/database/file" -schema=dvds -path=./.gen
jet -dsn="file:///path/to/sqlite/database/file" -schema=dvds -path=./.gen         # sqlite database assumed for 'file' data sources

*User has to have a permission to read information schema tables.

As indicated by the command output, Jet will perform the following actions:

  • ✅ Connect to the PostgreSQL database and retrieve metadata for all tables, views, and enums within the dvds schema.
  • ⚠️ Delete all contents in the target schema folder: ./.gen/jetdb/dvds.
  • ⚙️ Generate SQL Builder and Data Model types for each table, view, and enum found in the schema.

Generated files folder structure will look like this:

|-- .gen                              # path
|   -- jetdb                          # database name
|       -- dvds                       # schema name
|           |-- enum                  # sql builder package for enums
|           |   |-- mpaa_rating.go
|           |-- table                 # sql builder package for tables
|               |-- actor.go
|               |-- address.go
|               |-- category.go
|               ...
|           |-- view                  # sql builder package for views
|               |-- actor_info.go
|               |-- film_list.go
|               ...
|           |-- model                 # data model types for each table, view and enum
|           |   |-- actor.go
|           |   |-- address.go
|           |   |-- mpaa_rating.go
|           |   ...

Types from the table, view, and enum packages are used to write type-safe SQL queries in Go, while types from the model types are combined to store results of the SQL queries.


It is possible to customize the default Jet generator behavior. All the aspects of generated SQLBuilder and model types are customizable(see wiki).

Let's write some SQL queries in Go

First we need to import postgres SQLBuilder and generated packages from the previous step:

import (
  // dot import so go code would resemble as much as native SQL
  // dot import is not mandatory
  . ""
  . ""


Let's say we want to retrieve the list of all actors who acted in films longer than 180 minutes, film language is 'English', film category is not 'Action' and film rating is not 'R'.

stmt := SELECT(
    Actor.ActorID, Actor.FirstName, Actor.LastName, Actor.LastUpdate,  // or just Actor.AllColumns
    Language.AllColumns.Except(Language.LastUpdate),  // all language columns except last_update 
        INNER_JOIN(FilmActor, Actor.ActorID.EQ(FilmActor.ActorID)).  
        INNER_JOIN(Film, Film.FilmID.EQ(FilmActor.FilmID)).          
        INNER_JOIN(Language, Language.LanguageID.EQ(Film.LanguageID)).
        INNER_JOIN(FilmCategory, FilmCategory.FilmID.EQ(Film.FilmID)).
        INNER_JOIN(Category, Category.CategoryID.EQ(FilmCategory.CategoryID)),


Package(dot) import is used, so the statements look as close as possible to the native SQL.

Note that every column has a type. String columns, such as Language.Name and Category.Name can only be compared with string columns and expressions. Similarity, Actor.ActorID, FilmActor.ActorID, Film.Length are integer columns and can only be compared with integer columns and expressions.

How to Get a Parametrized SQL Query from the Statement?

query, args := stmt.Sql()

query - parametrized query
args - query arguments

Click to see `query` and `args`
SELECT actor.actor_id AS "actor.actor_id",
       actor.first_name AS "actor.first_name",
       actor.last_name AS "actor.last_name",
       actor.last_update AS "actor.last_update",
       film.film_id AS "film.film_id",
       film.title AS "film.title",
       film.description AS "film.description",
       film.release_year AS "film.release_year",
       film.language_id AS "film.language_id",
       film.rental_duration AS "film.rental_duration",
       film.rental_rate AS "film.rental_rate",
       film.length AS "film.length",
       film.replacement_cost AS "film.replacement_cost",
       film.rating AS "film.rating",
       film.last_update AS "film.last_update",
       film.special_features AS "film.special_features",
       film.fulltext AS "film.fulltext",
       language.language_id AS "language.language_id", AS "",
       language.last_update AS "language.last_update",
       category.category_id AS "category.category_id", AS "",
       category.last_update AS "category.last_update"
         INNER JOIN dvds.film_actor ON (actor.actor_id = film_actor.actor_id)
         INNER JOIN ON (film.film_id = film_actor.film_id)
         INNER JOIN dvds.language ON (language.language_id = film.language_id)
         INNER JOIN dvds.film_category ON (film_category.film_id = film.film_id)
         INNER JOIN dvds.category ON (category.category_id = film_category.category_id)
WHERE ((( = $1::char(20)) AND ( != $2::text)) AND (film.length > $3)) AND (film.rating != 'R')
ORDER BY actor.actor_id ASC, film.film_id ASC;
[English Action 180]

How to Get Debug SQL from Statement?

debugSql := stmt.DebugSql()

debugSql - this query string can be copy-pasted into sql editor and executed.


Debug SQL is not intended to be used in production. For debug purposes only!!!

Click to see debug sql
SELECT actor.actor_id AS "actor.actor_id",
     actor.first_name AS "actor.first_name",
     actor.last_name AS "actor.last_name",
     actor.last_update AS "actor.last_update",
     film.film_id AS "film.film_id",
     film.title AS "film.title",
     film.description AS "film.description",
     film.release_year AS "film.release_year",
     film.language_id AS "film.language_id",
     film.rental_duration AS "film.rental_duration",
     film.rental_rate AS "film.rental_rate",
     film.length AS "film.length",
     film.replacement_cost AS "film.replacement_cost",
     film.rating AS "film.rating",
     film.last_update AS "film.last_update",
     film.special_features AS "film.special_features",
     film.fulltext AS "film.fulltext",
     language.language_id AS "language.language_id", AS "",
     language.last_update AS "language.last_update",
     category.category_id AS "category.category_id", AS "",
     category.last_update AS "category.last_update"
     INNER JOIN dvds.film_actor ON (actor.actor_id = film_actor.actor_id)
     INNER JOIN ON (film.film_id = film_actor.film_id)
     INNER JOIN dvds.language ON (language.language_id = film.language_id)
     INNER JOIN dvds.film_category ON (film_category.film_id = film.film_id)
     INNER JOIN dvds.category ON (category.category_id = film_category.category_id)
WHERE ((( = 'English'::char(20)) AND ( != 'Action'::text)) AND (film.length > 180)) AND (film.rating != 'R')
ORDER BY actor.actor_id ASC, film.film_id ASC;

Execute Query and Store Result

Well-formed SQL is just a first half of the job. Let's see how can we make some sense of result set returned executing above statement. Usually this is the most complex and tedious work, but with Jet it is the easiest.

First, we need to define the structure in which to store the query result. This can be achieved by combining autogenerated model types, or by using custom model types(see wiki for more information).

Let's say this is our desired structure made of autogenerated types:

var dest []struct {
    Films []struct {
        Language    model.Language
        Categories  []model.Category

The Films field is a slice because an actor can appear in multiple films, and each film is associated with a single language. The Language field, on the other hand, is a single model struct. A Film can belong to multiple categories.


There is no limitation of how big or nested destination can be.

Now, let's execute the above statement on an open database connection (or transaction) db and store the result in the dest variable.

err := stmt.Query(db, &dest)

And that's it.

The dest variable now contains a list of all actors (each with a list of films they acted in). Each film includes information about its language and a list of categories it belongs to. This list is filtered to include only films longer than 180 minutes, where the film language is 'English', and the film category is not 'Action'.


It is recommended to enable Strict Scan on application startup, especially when destination contains custom model types. For more details, see the wiki.

Lets print dest as a JSON to see:

jsonText, _ := json.MarshalIndent(dest, "", "\t")
    "ActorID": 1,
    "FirstName": "Penelope",
    "LastName": "Guiness",
    "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:47:57.62Z",
    "Films": [
        "FilmID": 499,
        "Title": "King Evolution",
        "Description": "A Action-Packed Tale of a Boy And a Lumberjack who must Chase a Madman in A Baloon",
        "ReleaseYear": 2006,
        "LanguageID": 1,
        "RentalDuration": 3,
        "RentalRate": 4.99,
        "Length": 184,
        "ReplacementCost": 24.99,
        "Rating": "NC-17",
        "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:50:58.951Z",
        "SpecialFeatures": "{Trailers,\"Deleted Scenes\",\"Behind the Scenes\"}",
        "Fulltext": "'action':5 'action-pack':4 'baloon':21 'boy':10 'chase':16 'evolut':2 'king':1 'lumberjack':13 'madman':18 'must':15 'pack':6 'tale':7",
        "Language": {
          "LanguageID": 1,
          "Name": "English             ",
          "LastUpdate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        "Categories": [
            "CategoryID": 8,
            "Name": "Family",
            "LastUpdate": "2006-02-15T09:46:27Z"
    "ActorID": 3,
    "FirstName": "Ed",
    "LastName": "Chase",
    "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:47:57.62Z",
    "Films": [
        "FilmID": 996,
        "Title": "Young Language",
        "Description": "A Unbelieveable Yarn of a Boat And a Database Administrator who must Meet a Boy in The First Manned Space Station",
        "ReleaseYear": 2006,
        "LanguageID": 1,
        "RentalDuration": 6,
        "RentalRate": 0.99,
        "Length": 183,
        "ReplacementCost": 9.99,
        "Rating": "G",
        "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:50:58.951Z",
        "SpecialFeatures": "{Trailers,\"Behind the Scenes\"}",
        "Fulltext": "'administr':12 'boat':8 'boy':17 'databas':11 'first':20 'languag':2 'man':21 'meet':15 'must':14 'space':22 'station':23 'unbeliev':4 'yarn':5 'young':1",
        "Language": {
          "LanguageID": 1,
          "Name": "English             ",
          "LastUpdate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        "Categories": [
            "CategoryID": 6,
            "Name": "Documentary",
            "LastUpdate": "2006-02-15T09:46:27Z"
  //...(125 more items)

What if, we also want to have list of films per category and actors per category, where films are longer than 180 minutes, film language is 'English' and film category is not 'Action'.
In that case we can reuse above statement stmt, and just change our destination:

var dest2 []struct {

    Films []model.Film
    Actors []model.Actor

err = stmt.Query(db, &dest2)
Click to see `dest2` json
    "CategoryID": 8,
    "Name": "Family",
    "LastUpdate": "2006-02-15T09:46:27Z",
    "Films": [
        "FilmID": 499,
        "Title": "King Evolution",
        "Description": "A Action-Packed Tale of a Boy And a Lumberjack who must Chase a Madman in A Baloon",
        "ReleaseYear": 2006,
        "LanguageID": 1,
        "RentalDuration": 3,
        "RentalRate": 4.99,
        "Length": 184,
        "ReplacementCost": 24.99,
        "Rating": "NC-17",
        "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:50:58.951Z",
        "SpecialFeatures": "{Trailers,\"Deleted Scenes\",\"Behind the Scenes\"}",
        "Fulltext": "'action':5 'action-pack':4 'baloon':21 'boy':10 'chase':16 'evolut':2 'king':1 'lumberjack':13 'madman':18 'must':15 'pack':6 'tale':7"
        "FilmID": 50,
        "Title": "Baked Cleopatra",
        "Description": "A Stunning Drama of a Forensic Psychologist And a Husband who must Overcome a Waitress in A Monastery",
        "ReleaseYear": 2006,
        "LanguageID": 1,
        "RentalDuration": 3,
        "RentalRate": 2.99,
        "Length": 182,
        "ReplacementCost": 20.99,
        "Rating": "G",
        "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:50:58.951Z",
        "SpecialFeatures": "{Commentaries,\"Behind the Scenes\"}",
        "Fulltext": "'bake':1 'cleopatra':2 'drama':5 'forens':8 'husband':12 'monasteri':20 'must':14 'overcom':15 'psychologist':9 'stun':4 'waitress':17"
    "Actors": [
        "ActorID": 1,
        "FirstName": "Penelope",
        "LastName": "Guiness",
        "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:47:57.62Z"
        "ActorID": 20,
        "FirstName": "Lucille",
        "LastName": "Tracy",
        "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:47:57.62Z"
        "ActorID": 36,
        "FirstName": "Burt",
        "LastName": "Dukakis",
        "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:47:57.62Z"
        "ActorID": 70,
        "FirstName": "Michelle",
        "LastName": "Mcconaughey",
        "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:47:57.62Z"
        "ActorID": 118,
        "FirstName": "Cuba",
        "LastName": "Allen",
        "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:47:57.62Z"
        "ActorID": 187,
        "FirstName": "Renee",
        "LastName": "Ball",
        "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:47:57.62Z"
        "ActorID": 198,
        "FirstName": "Mary",
        "LastName": "Keitel",
        "LastUpdate": "2013-05-26T14:47:57.62Z"

Complete code example can be found at ./examples/quick-start/quick-start.go

This example represent probably the most common use case. Detail info about additional statements, features and use cases can be found at project Wiki page.


What are the benefits of writing SQL in Go using Jet?
The biggest benefit is speed. Speed is being improved in 3 major areas:

Speed of Development

Writing SQL queries becomes faster and more efficient, as developers benefit from SQL code completion and type safety directly within Go code. Automatic scanning to arbitrary structures eliminates much of the headache and boilerplate required to structure database query results, reducing both complexity and development time.

Speed of Execution

While ORM libraries can introduce significant performance penalties when multiple tables are involved, due to multiple round-trips to the database (i.e., the N+1 query problem), Jet will always perform better. Developers can write queries of any complexity and retrieve results with a single database call. As a result, handler time lost to latency between the server and database remains constant. Handler execution time is proportional only to query complexity and the number of rows returned from the database.


As of the version v2.13.0, developers can leverage SELECT_JSON statements to encode query result as JSON on the SQL server, and then return that JSON as a result. Instead of returning a large set of rows, the query now returns a single row with one column containing the entire result as JSON, further reducing latency.

With Jet, it is even possible to join the whole database and store the whole structured result in one database call. This is exactly what is being done in one of the tests: TestJoinEverything. The whole test database is joined and query result(~10,000 rows and 68 columns) is stored in a structured variable in less than 0.5s, or in case of SELECT_JSON statement in around 0.3s.

How Quickly Bugs are Found

The most expensive bugs are those discovered in production, while the least expensive are those found during development. With automatically generated, type-safe SQL, queries are not only written faster but bugs are caught sooner.

Consider the following line from the quick start example:


Let's say someone changes column length to duration from film table. The next go build will fail at that line, and the bug will be caught at compile time.

Let's say someone changes the type of length column to some non-integer type. Build will also fail at the same line because integer columns and expressions can be only compared to other integer columns and expressions.

Build will also fail if someone removes length column from film table. Film field will be omitted from SQL Builder and Model types, next time jet generator is run.

Without Jet these bugs will have to be either caught by tests or by manual testing.


To execute Jet SQL statements, ANY SQL driver that implements Go's standard database/sql interface can be used.

By default, the Jet generator executable uses the following SQL drivers to read database schema information:

  • (PostgreSQL and CockroachDB )
  • (MySQL and MariaDB)
  • (SQLite)

The default SQL driver used by the Jet generator can be replaced, if needed, by customizing the generator.


SemVer is used for versioning. For the versions available, take a look at the releases.

Typically, two releases are published each year — one in early spring and another in late autumn.


Copyright 2019-2025 Goran Bjelanovic
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.