This is the top level repository of the WTF project.
WTF is the acronym for "WhaT I Forgot?" (no, it does not mean what you might have thought...)
The WTF project was started during the Hackathon Droidcon Italy 2016 and got awarded the first prize offered by the AAL Programme.
- Gianpaolo Macario - Architecture, Continuous Integration, Linux hacker
- Wilfried Mbouenda Mbogne - Architecture, Android guru
- Giuseppe Nesca - Java, Android, XML, Input/Output
- Alessandro Censi - Java, Android
- Paolo Marino - Java, Database
- Alessandro Morelli - Java, Android
- Umberto Pepato - Branding, UI Design, Presentation Material
- Alessandro Szewera - Presentation, Marketing Spetialist
Additionally, Adam Szewera acted as team mentor.
Use Cases:
I leave home but forgot my home in the house
- Every object will have a beacon on it (cover, gadgets, etc)
- The UDOO NEO will scan all beacon (true/false) in a restricted area
- We will use Google Calendar API (text message for schedule)
I leave home but forgot to turn off gas tap
- Door sensor is an input of IoTSemplice
- Gas tap is an output of IoTSemplice

- There is an Android app on the UDOO NEO with a local database; in future it will have a cloud service
- We will use the MVP (Mode-View-Presenter) pattern
Project Setup
- Create project page - See
- Document Team Members, skills
- Write and agree on project charter
- Create chat room - See #11
- Create project page - See
Develop Architecture
- Identify two use-cases
Project infrastructure
WTF Application (on the UDOO) - Top level issue: #10
- Create an empty project
- Create a class for the beacon discovery (output: list of devices object BLE) + Filter weFlowgitHub
- Create the model class devices and the database (CRUD metods)
- Create a class to read a digital input on the UDOO NEO hardware (or from IoTSemplice?)
- Create an activity to test the first use case
- Add the Google Calendar API (@umbho)
Branding identity
- Web dashboard (2.0) - See
Prepare pitch
- Prepare pitch #9
- Slide deck for the Hackathon - See
Assemble the pieces for the final demo at the Hackathon
- Prepare demo storyboard - See demo
- Bring up UDOO NEO with Android
- Connect IoTSemplice device
- Test WtfApp on UDOO NEO (follow the storyboard)
Pitch at the end of the hackathon
- Website:
- CI/CD:
- WTF slides for the Hackaton:
- WtfApp (Android app for the UDOO NEO):
- wtf-GUI sources:
- easy-jenkins:
- KIT LCD 7" - Touch for NEO
- IoTSemplice
- A few different beacons provided by iBLio
See instructions at demo.
A big thanks to the sponsors:
Copyright (C) 2016, the WTF Team.
wtf-doc is licensed under the Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See LICENSE for the full license text.