file-association.nvim is a Lua plugin for Neovim that associates any application with extensions and allows you to open a file directory on a buffer. It works on a regular buffer, Netrw and other file managers.
- Open the file using the string that represents the file directory on the buffer
- Open the file under the cursor in Netrw
- Create a function on the user's side that returns the full path of the file, and use it to open the file under the cursor in other file managers, etc.
- Neovim >= 0.10.0
Install the plugin with your package manager:
keys = {
desc = 'Open a file with user-associated application',
desc = 'Copy a filepath to the clipboard',
opts = {
ret_filepath = {
-- NOTE: To make this plugin work on the buffer provided by your own file manager,
-- you have to define a function that returns the full path of the file
-- In this case, the key should be the one obtained by :lua print(
-- Example for stevearc/oil.nvim:
['oil'] = function()
local oil = require 'oil'
local dir = oil.get_current_dir()
local entry = oil.get_cursor_entry().name
local filepath = dir .. entry
return filepath
-- Example for nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim:
['neo-tree'] = function()
local state = require('neo-tree.sources.manager').get_state 'filesystem'
local node = state.tree:get_node()
local filepath = node:get_id()
return filepath
exts = {
-- NOTE: Enter the program directory as key,
-- and the table of file extensions you want to open with it as value
-- For example:
-- ['/path/to/app'] = { 'ext' },
-- optional: You can change the file manager that opens when you select a folder directory
-- filer = '/path/to/your_filer',
Just type the key binding or the command :FileAssociatedOpen to open an application that is registered according to the extension.
- Why do I need to write a function to make this plugin work with the file manager plugin's buffer?
- The main factor is attributed to licensing. Since each file manager plugin has its own way of getting paths, it would be necessary to exploit a dedicated API to obtain them. However, it should be noted that exploiting a third-party module could complicate the licensing of this project (GPL is a good example). To avoid such issues, this plugin allows the user to specify how to obtain the file path.
This plugin has been created using the nvim-plugin-template (MIT license) as a template.