I am an undergraduate student(senior) eager to learn.
I have a strong interest in HCI, IoT, and AI (especially HAI, LLM).
I have pursued a wide range of experiences and interests over the years, developing a deep interest in the field of computers from a young age and consistently studying various computing technologies and programming.
Feel free to contact me(gjlee0802 at naver.com) for collaboration opportunities or projects you would like to work on together.
📃My Resume/CV
Date | Organization | Position | Description |
2024.12.30 ~ 2025.02.28 | Seoul National University CCLab | Research Intern (Winter) | Cognitive Computing Lab (Prof. Gahgene Gweon) |
2024.07.01 ~ 2024.08.23 | KAIST ICLab | Research Intern (Summer) | Interactive Computing Lab (Mentor: Prof. Uichin Lee) |
2021.08.11 ~ 2023.10.31 | Cloudbric.inc & PentaSecurity.inc | Backend & Mobile Developer | Alternative Military Service as an Industrial Technical Personnel (산업기능요원 군대체 복무) |
2020.01 ~ 2021.06 | Soongsil University NCLab | Undergraduate Research Intern | Network Computing Lab (Mentor: Prof. Kyusik Chung) |
Project | Language | Year |
Data Science Project: Predicting glucose levels with data collected by non-invasive wearable device | Python | 2024 |
ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) Stack - Logstash pipeline creation/management API server development | - | 2023 |
App Development for VPN using SwiftUI (iOS/MacOS) / Flutter (Android/Windows) | Swift, Dart | 2023 |
Web Server / API Development using gin or echo framework based on Clean Architecture | Go | 2021 |
LoraWAN Low-Power Long-Range Sensor Network for Smart Park IoT Project | Python, CPP | 2021 |
Linux EXT2 File System Simulator | C | 2020 |
Hand Gesture HCI Project | CPP | 2019 |
Award | Organization | Date |
2021 ICT 융합 프로젝트 공모전-최우수상 | NTREX(디바이스마트) | 2021.05 |
소프트웨어 공모전-장려상 | 소프트웨어학부 | 2019.11 |
스마트 시스템 경진대회-장려상 | 스마트시스템소프트웨어학과 | 2019.10 |
파이썬 경진대회-최우수상 | 숭실대학교 | 2019.05 |
- How to review research from a high-level perspective (focusing on the key points)
- How to organize and categorize the reviewed research in clear tables
- How to explain and organize things in the simplest way possible
- How to design interesting hypotheses (before experimentation)
- Ask people who see hypotheses from a completely new perspective and observe whether they find it interesting!