A Java library for generation and validation of the International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN ISO_13616) and Business Identifier Codes (BIC ISO_9362).
// How to generate Iban
Iban iban = new Iban.Builder()
// How to create Iban object from String
Iban iban = Iban.valueOf("DE89370400440532013000");
// How to validate Iban
try {
// valid
} catch (IbanFormatException |
InvalidCheckDigitException |
UnsupportedCountryException e) {
// invalid
//How to create Bic object from String
Bic bic = Bic.valueOf("DEUTDEFF");
//How to validate Bic
try {
// valid
} catch (BicFormatException e) {
// invalid
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_13616
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9362
- http://www.swift.com/dsp/resources/documents/IBAN_Registry.pdf
Copyright 2014 Artur Mkrtchyan.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0