Eyedid SDK
is a Eye Tracking library that calculates where the user is looking at on the screen in real time using RGB image from the camera.
All computation is done locally on the device.
Check the Development key.
Create the new flutter project from terminal.
flutter create --platforms android,ios sample_app
to sample_app'spubspec.yaml
file.dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter eyedid_flutter:1.0.0
Install pub packge from terminal.
flutter pub get
Add the maven repository URL
to the build.gradle file where seeso is located.allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url "https://seeso.jfrog.io/artifactory/visualcamp-eyedid-sdk-android-release" } } }
Add the following dependencies to the app/build.gradle file.
dependencies { ... implementation "camp.visual.eyedid.android.gazetracker:eyedid-gazetracker:{version}" }
Eyedid SDK requires a License Key for operation. You can obtain the key from manage.eyedid.ai. [팀 노션에 적어놨습니다.]
Add code to check if you have camera permission.
Future<void> checkCameraPermission() async { _hasCameraPermission = await _eyedidFlutterPlugin.checkCameraPermission(); }
Add a function to request camera permission.
Future<void> checkCameraPermission() async { _hasCameraPermission = await _eyedidFlutterPlugin.checkCameraPermission(); ///If you do not have camera permission, call the requesting function. if (!_hasCameraPermission) { _hasCameraPermission = await _eyedidFlutterPlugin.requestCameraPermission(); } }
When camera permission is obtained through the user, authentication begins by calling the initGazeTracker function.
Future<void> initSeeSo() async { await checkCameraPermission(); String requestInitGazeTracker = "failed Request"; if (_hasCameraPermission) { try { InitializedResult? initializedResult = await _eyedidFlutterPlugin.initGazeTracker(licenseKey: _licenseKey); } on PlatformException catch (e) { print( "Occur PlatformException (${e.message})"); } } }
When authentication is successful, eye tracking begins.
if (initializedResult!.result) { try { _eyedidFlutterPlugin.startTracking(); } on PlatformException catch (e) { print("Occur PlatformException (${e.message})"); } }
Set a listener to receive MetricsInfo.
_eyedidFlutterPlugin.getTrackingEvent().listen((event) { final info = MetricsInfo(event); if (info.gazeInfo.trackingState == TrackingState.success) { setState(() { _x = info.gazeInfo.gaze.x; _y = info.gazeInfo.gaze.y; _gazeColor = Colors.green; }); } else { setState(() { _gazeColor = Colors.red; }); } });
If you have any problems, feel free to [email protected]
Copyright (c) VisualCamp. All rights reserved.