Gowid provides widgets and a framework for making terminal user interfaces. It's written in Go and inspired by urwid.
Widgets out-of-the-box include:
- input components like button, checkbox and an editable text field with support for passwords
- layout components for arranging widgets in columns, rows and a grid
- structured components - a tree, an infinite list and a table
- pre-canned widgets - a progress bar, a modal dialog, a bar graph and a menu
- a VT220-compatible terminal widget, heavily cribbed from urwid 😃
All widgets support interaction with the mouse when the terminal allows.
Gowid is built on top of the fantastic tcell package.
There are many alternatives to gowid - see Similar Projects
The most developed gowid application is currently termshark, a terminal UI for tshark.
go get github.com/gcla/gowid/...
Make sure $GOPATH/bin
is in your PATH (or ~/go/bin
isn't set), then tab complete "gowid-" e.g.
Here is a port of urwid's palette example:
Here is urwid's graph example:
And urwid's fibonacci example:
A demonstration of gowid's terminal widget, a port of urwid's terminal widget:
Finally, here is an animation of termshark in action:
This example is an attempt to mimic urwid's "Hello World" example.
package main
import (
func main() {
palette := gowid.Palette{
"banner": gowid.MakePaletteEntry(gowid.ColorWhite, gowid.MakeRGBColor("#60d")),
"streak": gowid.MakePaletteEntry(gowid.ColorNone, gowid.MakeRGBColor("#60a")),
"inside": gowid.MakePaletteEntry(gowid.ColorNone, gowid.MakeRGBColor("#808")),
"outside": gowid.MakePaletteEntry(gowid.ColorNone, gowid.MakeRGBColor("#a06")),
"bg": gowid.MakePaletteEntry(gowid.ColorNone, gowid.MakeRGBColor("#d06")),
div := divider.NewBlank()
outside := styled.New(div, gowid.MakePaletteRef("outside"))
inside := styled.New(div, gowid.MakePaletteRef("inside"))
helloworld := styled.New(
text.StyledContent("Hello World", gowid.MakePaletteRef("banner")),
Align: gowid.HAlignMiddle{},
f := gowid.RenderFlow{}
view := styled.New(
&gowid.ContainerWidget{IWidget: outside, D: f},
&gowid.ContainerWidget{IWidget: inside, D: f},
&gowid.ContainerWidget{IWidget: helloworld, D: f},
&gowid.ContainerWidget{IWidget: inside, D: f},
&gowid.ContainerWidget{IWidget: outside, D: f},
app, _ := gowid.NewApp(gowid.AppArgs{
View: view,
Palette: &palette,
Running the example above displays this:
- The beginnings of a tutorial
- A list of most of the widgets
- Some FAQs (which I guessed at...)
- Some gowid programming tricks
Gowid is late to the TUI party. There are many options from which to choose - please read https://appliedgo.net/tui/ for a nice summary for the Go language. Here is a selection:
- urwid - one of the oldest, for those working in python
- tview - active, polished, concise, lots of widgets, Go
- termui - focus on graphing and dataviz, Go
- gocui - focus on layout, good input options, mouse support, Go
- clui - active, many widgets, mouse support, Go
- tui-go - QT-inspired, experimental, nice examples, Go
Gowid depends on these great open-source packages:
- urwid - not a Go-dependency, but the model for most of gowid's design
- tcell - a cell based view for text terminals, like xterm, inspired by termbox
- asciigraph - lightweight ASCII line-graphs for Go
- logrus - structured pluggable logging for Go
- testify - tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend
- The author - Graham Clark ([email protected])