Amazon Web Services
- http://elastician.com/
The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
A command line tool invoking self-describing Lambda functions.
A collection of tools to enable canary deployments of AWS Lambda functions.
A simple library for interacting with Amazon S3.
Biscuit is a multi-region HA key-value store for your AWS infrastructure secrets.
Confidant: your secret keeper. https://lyft.github.io/confidant
Use the elasticsearch-js client with Amazon ES
Before Boto3 existed this library could help hack-chain AWSCLI commands in Python. Don't use it!
A little utility for managing credentials in the cloud
Tools to deal with AWS detailed billing reports
Library for building powerful interactive command line applications in Python
A VCR imitation designed only for python-requests.
📚 Freely available programming books
Installs and configures the AWS awscli command-line tool (the new one, supporting all AWS services)
Dynamic DynamoDB provides auto scaling for AWS DynamoDB
Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services
Official repository of the AWS SDK for PHP (@awsforphp)
A powerful, dynamic, pythonic interface to AWS DynamoDB.
garnaat / requestbuilder
Forked from gholms/requestbuilderCommand line-driven HTTP request builder
gholms / requestbuilder
Forked from boto/requestbuilderCommand line-driven HTTP request builder