Tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and Tensorflow r1.11
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
pip3 install gym atari_py coloredlogs
termcolor pyglet tables matplotlib
numpy opencv-python moviepy scipy
scikit-image pygame
To use the existing human demonstration data, clone the atari_human_demo
repo using the code below. This will create the collected_demo
folder in this repo.
git clone https://github.com/gabrieledcjr/atari_human_demo.git collected_demo
The following collect will collect human demonstration for the game of Pong
with 5 episodes where each episode ends when the game is lost or when the time limit of 20 minutes elapses, whichever comes first. Collected data will be saved in the collected_demo
folder and will be added to the database for the game played.
python3 tools/get_demo.py --gym-env=MsPacmanNoFrameskip-v4 --num-episodes=5 --demo-time-limit=20
Current setting will pre-train a network MsPacman
using cuda device 0 that uses only 80% of the GPU resources. This will train a model for 750,000 training iterations with a mini-batch size of 32. This also uses the proportional batch sampling and loads the demos whose IDs are specified in --demo-ids
python3 pretrain/run_experiment.py --gym-env=MsPacmanNoFrameskip-v4 \
--cuda-devices=0 --gpu-fraction=.8 \
--classify-demo --use-mnih-2015 --train-max-steps=750000 --batch_size=32 \
--grad-norm-clip=0.5 \
--use-batch-proportion --demo-ids=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Note: Use --rmsp-epsilon=1e-4
for PongNoFrameskip-v4
and --rmsp-epsilon=1e-5
for the rest of the Atari domain.
The following code will run an A3C baseline training for Breakout using 16 parallel worker (actor) threads for 100 million training steps using the Feed-Forward network (no LSTM). To adjust total training steps to half, use --max-time-step-fraction=0.5
python3 a3c/run_experiment.py --gym-env=MsPacmanNoFrameskip-v4 \
--parallel-size=16 \
--max-time-step-fraction=1.0 \
--initial-learn-rate=0.0007 --rmsp-epsilon=1e-5 --grad-norm-clip=0.5 \
python3 a3c/run_experiment.py --gym-env=MsPacmanNoFrameskip-v4 \
--parallel-size=16 \
--max-time-step-fraction=1.0 \
--initial-learn-rate=0.0007 --rmsp-epsilon=1e-5 --grad-norm-clip=0.5 \
--unclipped-reward --transformed-bellman \
If you followed the settings above to generate a supervised pre-trained model, then using the --use-transfer
argument should find and load the pre-trained model.
python3 a3c/run_experiment.py --gym-env=MsPacmanNoFrameskip-v4 \
--parallel-size=16 \
--max-time-step-fraction=1.0 \
--initial-learn-rate=0.0007 --rmsp-epsilon=1e-5 --grad-norm-clip=0.5 \
--use-mnih-2015 \
--unclipped-reward --transformed-bellman \
--use-transfer \
python3 a3c/run_experiment.py --gym-env=PongNoFrameskip-v4
--test-model --eval-max-steps=5000
--initial-learn-rate=0.0007 --rmsp-epsilon=1e-5 --grad-norm-clip=0.5 --use-mnih-2015
python3 dqn/run_experiment.py --gym-env=PongNoFrameskip-v4 \
--cuda-devices=0 --gpu-fraction=1. \
--optimizer=RMS --lr=0.00025 --decay=0.95 --momentum=0.0 --epsilon=0.00001