A very convenient tcp framework in golang.
go get github.com/fwhezfwhez/tcpx
if you want to run program in this repo,you should prepare protoc,proto-gen-go environment.
It's good to compile yourself from these repos,but there is already release versions referring to their doc.
Make sure run protoc --version
protoc: https://github.com/golang/protobuf
cases | exec times | cost time per loop | cost mem per loop | cost object num per loop | url |
OnMessage | 2000000 | 643 ns/op | 1368 B/op | 5 allocs/op | click to location |
Mux without middleware | 2000000 | 761 ns/op | 1368 B/op | 5 allocs/op | click to location |
Mux with middleware | 2000000 | 768 ns/op | 1368 B/op | 5 allocs/op | click to location |
Tcpx has its well-designed pack. To focus on detail, you can refer to: https://github.com/fwhezfwhez/tcpx/tree/master/examples/modules/pack-detail
[4]byte -- length fixed_size,binary big endian encode
[4]byte -- messageID fixed_size,binary big endian encode
[4]byte -- headerLength fixed_size,binary big endian encode
[4]byte -- bodyLength fixed_size,binary big endian encode
[]byte -- header marshal by json
[]byte -- body marshal by marshaller
According to this pack rule, tcpx has 2 well-designed routing ways and their pack structure:
messageID type pack
"Router-Type": "MESSAGE_ID"
urlPattern pack
"Router-Type": "URL_PATTERN"
"Router-Pattern-Value": "/login/"
It examples a chat using tcpx.
It examples how to send stream without rule, nothing to do with messageID/urlPattern system
. You can send all stream you want. Global middleware and anchor middleware are still working as the example said.
Here is an example of IM system using tcpx.