Complete bootstrap environment for testing out new Hubot modules
This is a pre-configured Vagrant/Veewee/Puppet environment to setup a complete environment for development. IRC server is created, Hubot is downloaded and configured, and all of the firewalls are opened. Once up, connect your IRC client to:
Well, I didn't want to use Heroku. Also, since I planned on deploying this in the future to my infrastructure, I might as well have the recipes in place and whatnot to make this work properly.
Check out the git repository and all appropriate submodules
git clone git submodule init
Place all of your scripts in the 'scripts' directory
Build out your Veewee Profiles
cd vagrant-hubot/vagrant vagrant buildbox build debian-squeeze-i386 vagrant basebox export debian-squeeze-i386 vagrant box add debian-squeeze-i386
Startup Veewee
cd vagrant-hubot/vagrant vagrant up hubot
Anytime that you have a script that should be reloaded, simply reprovision your vagrant server.
cd vagrant-hubot/vagrant vagrant provision hubot
To change any of the variables on how hubot is configured, take a look at manfiests/site.pp for more details.
- Add Ubuntu support
- RHEL support?