The FreeDict tools are used to import, export (build) and manage FreeDict dictionaries.
As a dictionary data provider, our goal is to use our TEI dialect to be able to import and export into a variety of output formats. This repository collects the tooling for this.
FreeDict databases are encoded in the TEI XML format (chapter 9), see
The conversion is based on XSL stylesheets (see directory xsl/
). These can in
principle transform to any format, but only the .dict format is supported at the
More information is in the wiki at
FreeDict requires a few essential tools to generate phonemes and compile the XML sources. However, most of the tools are determined by the output format.
- Basic tooling: perl, python, make, xsltproc, tar, gzip, espeak-ng
- For dictd: dictzip, dictfmt
- For stardict: pyglossary
- For slob: slob, tei2slob
If you use Debian/Ubuntu, you should install the following packages:
- Basic:
sudo apt install make xsltproc libicu-dev pkg-config python3 python3-icu virtualenv python3-virtualenv espeak-ng git
- For dictd:
sudo apt install dictzip dictfmt
- For stardict: install pyglossary, for instance,
pipx install pyglossary
- For slob:
- Get the sources:
- Use the official installation instructions OR
- Use a virtualenv; we recommend that to bundle all our tooling
- fetch the mentioned sources and use
pipx install .
, which is easiest.
On Windows, it is easiest to install Msys2 or Cygwin. Both offer an easy method to install the required tools. Note that we are not officially using Windows, so your mileage will vary.
You should clone this repository to a path with no spaces and add an environment
to point to this directory.
A lot of the internal scripts need additional Python libraries. To fully make
use of them, you should set up a Python virtual environment for that. To help
you getting started, make mk_venv
is there to guide you through the process
and make mk_venv-help
will explain you why and how you should use make mk_venv
Hint: It is possible to set up a environment without virtualenv. See the file requirements.txt for more details.
Once done, you can get help on the available actions in any directory containing a
by typing make help
Most of the documentation can be found in the FreeDict HOWTO at
In general, it is a good idea to have a look at our wiki at
Furthermore, the whole build system is explained in chapter 8 of the HOWTO, mentioned above.
For creating slob files, you need to install tei2slob:
virtualenv env-slob -p python3 --system-site-packages # create self contained python env
source env-slob/bin/activate # activate it
pip install git+ # install general slob tools
pip install git+ # install tei2slob converter
Now tei2slob will be in your path. For new shells, you will have to execute
source env-slob/bin/activate
again, or put env-slob/bin/tei2slob into your
For creating StarDict files, you need to install PyGlossary:
pip install git+
Sebastian Humenda, Mar 2018