Alpha bot:
- Test swerve drive
- Test turret function
- Tune slippage current
- Test cameras & filters
- Test intake command
- Test wrist CANCoder offset
- Tune elevator
- Test pivot gravity gains
- Remove voltage constraints if everything works
- Test manual controls
- Test presets
- Swerve automation pt. 1 - rotational alignment
Friday, 2/14/2025 to test:
- Retune wrist feedforward + feedback
- Wrist presets + tuning
- Pivot cancoder issues
- Decide on L1 position
- Tune Canandcolor for intake (coral)
- Elevator limit switch
Friday, 2/14/2025 software only:
- Driver only - work on OnFalse triggers instead of OnTrue because of debounce hold to pathfind/direct move to position then OnFalse will subsequently deploy the state properly and effectively
- Double click debouncer
- Move to algae vs coral (drive to object overhaul)
- Swerve automation pt. 2 - pathfinding/translation alignment
Saturday, 2/15/2025 to test:
- Test robot state chooser
Saturday, 2/15/2025 software only:
- Auto - java structure (chooser), paths (pathmanager), commands
Tuesday, Wednesday, 2/18-19/2025 to test:
- Fix pivot cancoder issues
- Reconfigure wrist cancoder
- Redo wrist presets as needed
- Fast wrist
- Intake
- Test localization trust filter & cameras
- change tolerances and pids and retest pathfinding to reef (try no pid but constant slow velocity)
- Test multiple chooser
- Preliminary auto things
Tuesday, 2/18/2025 software only:
- finish paths
- check for correct event markers & tune locations of each marker
- perfect/tune the control points (consistent in transitioning between paths)
- coral station optimization
Saturday, 2/22/2025 to test:
- test updated keybinds for mishiwaka
- discuss two options for reef translation auto-align - driver does it while true (pov) or operator does it (more complicated)
Tuesday, 2/25/2025 to test:
- tune max tag clear dist
- test new single tag pose (need to zero properly first)
- tune max tag clear dist for above single tag pose calculation
- (try for comp bot)
- auto
- try not corner of the coral station
- try cameras looking forward
Thursday, 2/27/2025 to test:
- try updating pivot G gains
- auto
- new camera mounts on
- try slower rotation and faster linear acceleration
- climb subsystem
- climb presets
- auto
- try variety of paths
- test climb subsystem more
Monday, 3/04/2025 software only:
- new spherical pathing for pathfinding to branch
Comp bot/later:
- Re-add automatic intake logic
- Tune Canandcolor for algae intake
- Implement climbing
- SysID for elevator, pivot, wrist comp bot
- Fine tune state transitions for efficiency
- Test ground intake/object detection (after mishiwaka)