scaleApp is a tiny JavaScript framework for scalable and maintainable One-Page-Applications / Single-Page-Applications. The framework allows you to easily create complex web applications.
You can dynamically start and stop/destroy modules that acts as small parts of your whole application.
scaleApp is based on a decoupled, event-driven architecture that is inspired by the talk of Nicholas C. Zakas - "Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture" (Slides). There also is a little Article that describes the basic ideas.
A module is a completely independent part of your application. It has absolutely no reference to another piece of the app. The only thing the module knows is your sandbox. The sandbox is used to communicate with other parts of the application.
The main purpose of the sandbox is to use the facade pattern. In that way you can hide the features provided by the core and only show a well defined custom static long term API to your modules. This is actually one of the most important concept for creating mainainable apps. Change plugins, implementations etc. but keep your API stable for your modules. For each module a separate sandbox will be created.
The core is responsible for starting and stopping your modules. It also handles the messages by using the Publish/Subscribe (Mediator) pattern
Plugins can extend the core or the sandbox with additional features. For example you could extend the core with basic functionalities (like DOM manipulation) or just aliases the features of a base library (e.g. jQuery).
- loose coupling of modules
- small (about 300 sloc / 8,7k min / 3.3k gz)
- no dependencies
- modules can be tested separately
- replacing any module without affecting other modules
- extendable with plugins
- browser and Node.js support
- flow control
- AMD & CommonJS support
- framework-agnostic
scaleApp itself is very small but it can be extended with plugins. There already are some plugins available:
- simple MVCi18n
- multi language UIspermission
- take care of method accessstate
- Finite State Machinesubmodule
- cascade modulesdom
- DOM manipulationstrophe
- XMPP communicationmodulestate
- event emitter forinit
- helper methods likemixin
- list modules, instances & plugins
You can easily define your own plugin (see plugin section).
or use the CDN:
<script src="//" ></script>
There are some API changes in version 0.4.x (see Changelog). Docs for v0.3.9 can be found within the tar/zip file.
git clone git://
Link scaleApp.min.js
in your HTML file:
<script src="scaleApp.min.js"></script>
or use the CDN:
<script src="//" ></script>
If you're going to use it with node:
npm install scaleapp --save
var sa = require("scaleapp");
or use bower:
bower install scaleapp
First of all create your own sandbox. By doing that you're able to guarantee a stable maintainable API for your modules.
var MySandbox = function(core, instanceId, options, moduleId) {
// define your API
this.myFooProperty = "bar";
// e.g. provide the Mediator methods 'on', 'emit', etc.
// ... or define your custom communication methods
this.myEmit = function(channel, data){
core.emit(channel + '/' + instanceId, data);
// maybe you'd like to expose the instance ID = instanceId;
return this;
// ... and of course you can define shared methods etc. = function() { /*...*/ };
Now create a new core instance with your sandbox:
var core = new scaleApp.Core(MySandbox);
core.register( "myModuleId", function( sandbox ){
return {
init: function(){ /*...*/ },
destroy: function(){ /*...*/ }
As you can see the module is a function that takes the sandbox as a parameter
and returns an object that has two functions init
and destroy
(the latter is
Of course your module can be any usual class with those two functions.
var MyGreatModule = function(sandbox){
return {
init: function(){ alert("Hello world!"); }
destroy: function(){ alert("Bye bye!"); }
core.register("myGreatModule", MyGreatModule);
The init
function is called by the framework when the module is supposed to
start. The destroy
function is called when the module has to shut down.
You can also init or destroy you module in a asynchronous way:
var MyAsyncModule = function(sandbox){
return {
init: function(options, done){
// ...
destroy: function(done){
core.register("myGreatModule", MyGreatModule);
core.start("myGreatModule", { done:function(){
alert("now the initialization is done");
After your modules are registered, start your modules:
.start( "myModuleId" )
.start( "anOtherModule", function(err){
// 'anOtherModule' is running now
You may also want to start several instances of a module:
core.start( "myModuleId", {instanceId: "myInstanceId" } );
core.start( "myModuleId", {instanceId: "anOtherInstanceId" });
All you attach to options
is accessible within your module:
core.register( "mod", function(sandbox){
return {
init: function(opt){
(opt.myProperty === "myValue") // true
destroy: function(){ /*...*/ }
core.start("mod", {
instanceId: "test",
options: { myProperty: "myValue" }
If all your modules just needs to be instanciated once, you can simply starting them all:
To start some special modules at once you can pass an array with the module names:
You can also pass a callback function:
// do something when all modules were initialized
Moreover you can use a separate sandbox for each instance:
var MySandbox = function(){/*...*/};
core.start("module", { sandbox: MySandbox });
It's obvious:
core.stop(); // stops all running instances
If the module needs to communicate with others, you can use the emit
The emit
function takes three parameters whereas the last one is optional:
: the channel name you want to emit todata
: the data itselfcb
: callback method
The emit function is accessible through the sandbox (as long as you exposed the Mediator methods of course):
sandbox.emit( "myEventTopic", myData );
A message handler could look like this:
var messageHandler = function( data, topic ){
switch( topic ){
case "somethingHappend":
sandbox.emit( "myEventTopic", processData(data) );
case "aNiceTopic":
justProcess( data );
... and it can listen to one or more channels:
sub1 = sandbox.on( "somthingHappend", messageHandler );
sub2 = sandbox.on( "aNiceTopic", messageHandler );
Or just do it at once:
topicA: cbA,
topicB: cbB,
topicC: cbC
You can also subscribe to several channels at once:
sandbox.on(["a", "b"], cb);
If you prefer a shorter method name you can use the alias on
A subscription can be detached and attached again:
sub.detach(); // don't listen any more
sub.attach(); // receive upcoming messages
You can unsubscribe a function from a channel"a-channel", callback);
And you can remove a callback function from all channels;
Or remove all subscriptions from a channel:"channelName");
var task1 = function(next){
next(null, "one");
var task2 = function(next){
next(null, "two");
scaleApp.util.runSeries([task1, task2], function(err, result){
// result is ["one", "two"]
// console output is:
// "task1"
// "task2"
var task1 = function(next){
next(null, "a");
var task2 = function(next){
next(null, "b");
scaleApp.util.runParallel([task1, task2],function(err,result){
// result is ["a", "b"]
// console output is:
// "task2"
// "task1"
There is also a little helper tool to run the same async task again and again in parallel for different values:
var vals = ["a","b", "c"];
var worker = function(val, next){
next(err, result);
scaleApp.util.doForAll(args, worker, function(err, res){
// fini
var task1 = function(next){
next(null, "one", "two");
var task2 = function(res1, res2, next){
// res1 is "one"
// res2 is "two"
next(null, "yeah!");
scaleApp.util.runWaterfall([task1, task2], function(err, result){
// result is "yeah!"
There are some plugins available within the plugins
For more information look at the
plugin README.
A single plugin can be registered with it option object in that way:
If you want to register multiple plugins at once:
{ plugin: plugin3, options: options3 }
It's easy:
core.helloWorld = function(){ alert("helloWorld"); };
Here a more complex example:
core.use(function(core, options, done){
// extend the core
core.myCoreFunction = function(){ alert("Hello core plugin") };
core.myBoringProperty = "boring";
// extend the sandbox class
core.Sandbox.prototype.myMethod = function(){/*...*/};
// define a method that gets called when a module starts
var onModuleInit = function(instanceSandbox, options, done){
// e.g. define sandbox methods dynamically
if (options.mySwitch){
instanceSandbox.appendFoo = function(){
// or load a something asynchronously
// do something...
// now tell scaleApp that you're done
// define a method that gets called when a module stops
var onModuleDestroy = function(done){
// don't forget to return your methods
return {
init: onModuleInit,
destroy: onModuleDestroy
core.myCoreFunction() // alerts "Hello core plugin"
var MyModule = function(sandbox){
init: function(){ sandbox.appendFoo(); }, // appends "foo" to the container
If you want scaleApp bundled with special plugins type
grunt custom[:PLUGIN_NAME]
e.g. grunt custom:dom:mvc
creates the file scaleApp.custom.js
contains scaleApp itself the dom plugin and the mvc plugin.
- the current version of scaleAppscaleApp.Mediator
- the Mediator classscaleApp.Sandbox
- the Sandbox classscaleApp.Core
- the Core class
// use default sandbox
var core = new scaleApp.Core();
// use your own sandbox
var core = new scaleApp.Core(yourSandboxClass);
core.register(moduleName, module, options)
- register a modulecore.use(plugin, options)
- register a plugincore.use(pluginArray)
- registers an array of pluginscore.boot(callback)
- initialize plugins (will be executed automatically on ´start´)core.start(moduleId, options, callback)
- start a modulecore.stop(instanceId, callback)
- stop a module
// create a mediator
var mediator = new scaleApp.Mediator();
// create a mediator with a custom context object
var mediator = new scaleApp.Mediator(context);
// create a mediator with cascaded channels
var mediator = new scaleApp.Mediator(null, true);
mediator.emit(channel, data, callback)
mediator.on(channel, callback, context), callback)
mediator.installTo(context, force)
mediator.send(channel, payload, callback)
mediator.pipe(source, target, mediator)
// subscribe
var subscription = mediator.on(channel, callback, context);
- stop listeningsubscription.attach
- resume listening
var fn = function(){ /*...*/ };
var obj = { emit: fn };
// the installTo method prevents existing properties by default
obj.emit === fn // true
// set the second paramater to 'true'
// to force the mediator to override existing propeties
mediator.installTo(obj, true);
obj.emit === mediator.emit // true
This is the default sandbox of scaleApp. It's a better idea to use your own one.
var sandbox = new scaleApp.Sandbox(core, instanceId, options, moduleId)` - create a Sandbox
npm test
Within the examples
directory you can find some basic examples that might help you.
scaleApp is licensed under the MIT license. For more information have a look at LICENCE.txt.