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A high-performance web framework written in Go for building enterprise-grade applications.
Built on the FastHTTP. Zero memory allocations in hot paths. Up to 10x faster than net/http. Was designed for some high performance edge cases.
Lightweight high performance HTTP request router with middleware support and zero memory allocations.
Advanced logging system based on zerolog with data export to Elasticsearch or other storage.
Application state and incoming request metrics collection with data exposure to Prometheus, with support for custom metrics to track application-specific data.
Support for automatic Swagger documentation generation.
Support for pprof profiling.
Modular architecture and a convenient chain API for quickly writing clean and readable code.
This is an experimental package and it is not yet ready for use in a production environment.
go get github.com/flash-go/flash
import "github.com/flash-go/flash"