leo-project / s3fs-c
Forked from tongwang/s3fs-cS3FS-C is a FUSE (File System in User Space) based file system backed by Amazon S3 storage buckets. Once mounted, S3 can be used just like it was a local file system. This project was forked from S…
leo-project / cherly
Forked from mocchira/cherlyCherly (sher-lee) is an in-VM caching library for Erlang.
"leo_manager_client" is LeoFS-Manager's client lib for Ruby
An original RPC library written in Erlang whose interface is similar to Erlang's buildin RPC.
🚫 DEPRECATED: leo_manager was merged into leo-project/leofs
leo_backend_db is a wrapper library for Basho bitcask, Basho eleveldb and Erlang ETS. They are used as local KVS in LeoFS.
leo_cache is an object caching server into RAM and Disc (SSD)
leo_object_storage is a log-structured object/BLOB storage.
leo_ordning_reda is a library to stack objects and send stacked objects with async.
leo_redundant_manager monitors Gateway-node(s) and Storage-node(s) to keep availability and consistency. leo_redundant_manager also manages and provides routing-table(RING).
🚫 DEPRECATED: leo_storage was merged into leo-project/leofs
leo_statistics collects Erlang VM’s statistics and application’s statistics.
leo_commons include common modules for LeoFS and other Erlang applications.
🚫 DEPRECATED: leo_gateway was merged into leo-project/leofs
LeoFS-Console is web-console for LeoFS. It provide log-analyzer/searcher, node status monitor and so on.
leo_logger is a logging library for LeoFS and other Erlang applications. It has plugin-mechanism.
leo_s3_libs are S3 related libraries for LeoFS and other Erlang applications.
firejun / leofs_rpm
Forked from leo-project/leofs_packageleofs_rpm is the leofs's configuration file for RPM
leofs_rpm is a LeoFS' configuration file for RPM and DEB
firejun / roma
Forked from roma/romaROMA: A Distributed Key-Value Store in Ruby